Pilcrow Theme Improperly Rendering

  • The Pilcrow sidebars (3 column) are not working properly for my site. The one on the right begins way at the bottom of the page instead of up toward the top, and the left sidebar has a giant gap in the middle. This has happened without any “help” from us. It just started out of the blue. The problem is there across multiple browsers, versions, and locations. Even is messed up on my cell phone. Not sure what is up, but we experienced something similar once before where the Pilcrow theme went haywire for about 30 minutes, but then it resolved. Whatever is going on now has been happening for 3 days.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • This is most often caused by an open HTML tag in one of your posts.

    Go to settings > writing and select “WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically” and then click “save changes.”

    Now, starting with your latest post, open it in the editor, make one minor change such as adding and then deleting a space, and then click “update post.” Check your blog and if it is back to normal, you are golden. If not, open the next post and do the same thing till it goes back to normal.

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