Pilcrow calendar widget looks a bit messy

  • Hi everyone,

    I’m using Pilcrow, the dark version, and everything’s great, apart from one tiny thing that isn’t perfect. The dates on the default calendar widget are all smushed together, so instead of reading ’24 25 26 27 28 29 30′ and so on, it reads as ‘24252627282930’, which is hardly the end of the world, especially given that I’m not paying anything for it, but a bit strange considering the theme’s popularity. Is this an oversight by the designers, or an intentional bug in order to get me to pay for the custom CSS upgrade?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi. I suggest you bring that to staff’s attention. Pilcrow being a new theme, it could very well be an oversight:


  • @jessiethecat The Calendar Widget was left largely unstyled to look more like the PressRow theme’s style (Pilcrow is an upgrade for the PressRow theme) but it could certainly use some slight tweaking. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

  • I’ve noticed the gravatars on the Comments widget overlap any Title placed so the bottom half of “g” and “y” etc. are cut off. And if you have two stacked lines for a widget title they are messy and squished together also.

  • I have this stacked line problem too

  • Yeah, the line height in the CSS for the widget titles is only 18px and the font is 24px, so the line height should probably be about 27px.

    There should also be some bottom margin on the widget titles so they aren’t run over by the content of the widgets.

    Definitely needs some CSS luvin’ by staff.

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