Pictures missing

  • Hi there! I am new here- so the answer could be clear and I just don’t know it. I noticed that after I post a new blog post; the previous pictures on an old post disappears. Is this normal? Or is there a setting I can fix to make sure the pictures stay visible? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

  • Are the missing images ones you have deleted from your media library?

    Are the missing images ones you hotlinked to on other sites?

    Please read this first

    Then post the URLs of the posts the images are missing from.

  • Or is there a setting I can fix to make sure the pictures stay visible?

    Images you upload into your media library and embed into posts and pages are on wordpress.COM servers. They remain visible unless or until you delete them from your media library. Doing that removes them from every place you embedded them in the blog and leaves behind broken links.

    Images you link to on other sites are not on servers, and can disappear if they are removed at the source from the servers they are on.

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