Pictures disappearing

  • All of the pictures on our blog have disappeared. My wife is the expert but I had more time to write this up. Some of the files were only in the on line folder, and I believe she trashed those. I think that makes sense they would disappear. But the others were not, but I think they are only on her ‘cloud’ account, not on her hard drive. Is this the problem. bottom line – what does one have to do so that the pictures ‘never’ disappear so when we want to print our blog once a year and buy a book, all the pictures will be there. Thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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    Where were the missing images hosted?

    Were they hosted on another site and did you hotlink to them?

    Did you are someone with access to your site delete the images from your media library?

    If you are hotlinking to images hosted on servers that are not wordpress.COM servers wherever they are hosted can make sure they do not display so you and your site visitors are not using their bandwidth.

    Images and media you upload into your media library and embed into posts and pages are on wordpress.COM servers. They remain visible unless or until you delete them from your media library. Deleting them from your media library also removes them from every place you embedded them in the blog and leaves behind broken links.

    Staff cannot restore images you delete from your Media Library. You have to upload them all again, and then fix every broken image link in every post/page it was embedded into previously.

    If you upload lots of images you can exhaust that free space allocation quickly. Currently, the only way to get an extra space allocation after you upload the images again, is to purchase an upgrade bundle.

  • Thank you very much. I have not actively “subscribed” and can’t see a “subscribe” button, but I do see an “unsubscribe” button so I will assume I am subscribed, and be patient. thanks

  • Yes, that’s right. You are subscribed. :)

  • Hi there,

    Your site’s logs show that several hundred images were deleted from the media library about a week ago. Deleting images from the library will also remove them from any posts they had been added to, and deleting media files are permanent – there is no way to restore those images. The only way to get them back on your site is to re-upload them to each post manually.

    But the others were not, but I think they are only on her ‘cloud’ account, not on her hard drive.

    Did you use the Add via URL option when adding media from the My Sites editor? If you did, those images were also uploaded to the media library, and were thus removed from the posts when the images were deleted. If you want to hotlink to images rather than uploading them, you need to use the WP-Admin editor instead, or manually hotlink them via the HTML editor.

    bottom line – what does one have to do so that the pictures ‘never’ disappear

    Don’t delete them from the media library. Any online image needs to be hosted somewhere before it can be used on a site. In our case, your posts only contain a link to the image where it’s hosted in the media library. If you delete it from the library, that link points to nothing.

    With hotlinked images it depends on then server where it is hosted. If you have your images on iCloud, for example, and iCloud goes down or the files are deleted from there, they’ll also disappear from your site.

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