PHP MSIE PNG-24 Alpha Transparency Fix

  • I suggest you to find out if you can implement this on WordPress. I am using Firefox, so personally I do not have to look unsupported transparent PNG-images. But it would be nice gesture for all IE users.

  • If IE users cared about PNG transparency wouldn’t they be using Firefox too? ;)

  • This actually should be over at the forums I would think….

    Also this is an IE bug, not a WordPress one. It would be great if IE and Microsoft would follow standards. And I wish I had last week’s Powerball winning ticket. :)

  • I did not say that it is a WordPress bug. I only made suggestion. But yes, what would be a better way to force all IE users to use Firefox than to have PNG images with large transparent areas on pink or green backgrounds. That is actually a good idea. Firefox users could use normal looking PNG images where is hidden messages on the transparent colour saying: USE FIREFOX! ;)

    And I also heard that this “IE bug” would be fixed in their next IE7 version. So never mind, who cares, and I am using Firefox as well as I said.

  • Sorry. I just don’t think we should all bow down to Microsoft and their inability to comply to accepted standards. We’ve already had a pair of threads here with issues with IE7.

    Firefox appears to not be much better. We have those threads as well. :)

    Insert standard “I’m not a member of the WP team” disclaimer by the way.

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