Photos have become small and off-centered.

  • So does this apply to posts that are doing the opposite? In the post editor, I make all my pictures that accompany posts Medium, but now they’re showing up as full sized.

    @theteaspilleddaily, the post editor isn’t showing the right sizes. I filed that as a bug and am waiting to hear back from the developers (might have to wait until Monday). Stay tuned for updates on images in the editor.

  • Hi I’m back. I just figured to type in 900 onto the width and height in the medium size area and I checked my blog and so far all the pictures are appearing at that size. Looks good to me. Thank you again so much!!

    @forestmtnhike, you answered your own question! Thanks for posting a follow-up, much appreciated.

  • @designsimply
    re: second response

    The only down side to not adding huge images is that will now make the images look good for retina screens automatically if the original images you uploaded are large enough.

    Unlike most people who are equipped with every kind of photographic advice you can imagine I am a minimalist living a very simple ;lifestyle. I don’t even own a cell phone or a camera. (Do not need. Do not want.) lol :D I’m an eccentric. I’m not into photography hence that awesomeness makes no difference at all to to me.

  • @musicdoc1, can you please start a separate thread and put “image size changes” as one of the tags. Please include a link to a specific example post I can look at showing one of the affected images—tell me what size the image is appearing in the post on the front-end (not in the editor) and what size you expected it to be.


    I have images with file sizes as small as 457 X 359 affected. That’s hardly “huge”

    It doesn’t matter if the original upload was large or not. What matters is the media settings compared to the HTML that was saved in the post for each image. @musicdoc1, yours may be a special case and I will look at your blog when you make a separate thread with a specific example for me.

  • @timethief, I get that! Some of our users are really into photography and the fact that retina displays are supported by out of the box is a big deal for many sites, especially businesses because they want to look great on all the newest Apple screens.

  • Could you keep us updated if this will change again? I appreciate the help. I just do not want to resize my hundreds of pictures, only to have them change again soon. Thank you for the help.

  • Could you keep us updated if this will change again?

    Absolutely. I’ll keep posting all the info. I get a hold of on this thread.

    We can’t always know ahead of time how many blogs will be affected by an update like the image resizing one, but since we have an awesome support team :) we’re always here to help if you’re having trouble after a change. We make a lot of updates, but we also work hard to make sure everyone gets help if one of them has an affect like this one did.

  • @designsimply – my main site is not a photo blog – I use few galleries, I DO use a single lead in picture on each post – help make my site look not so boring and an online newspaper features my Posts on their front page – they always use a picture with the lead and a link back to my site –

    I also do a lot of how to do things types of Posts – to think that I am limited to small or medium formatted pictures and that my pictures will be resized in the future when some staff tinkers with the settings to make a photo blog look more better is quite distressing – I pick the image size on several factors – most having to do with making it easy for someone to understand how something was done

  • @auxclass, sometimes deciding about changes like this one are a tough case. If we can get past the initial troubles we’re seeing (I have filed a few bug reports on your behalf), I’m sure it will be a better solution in the end.

    I will also certainly pass along your feedback; you’ve made some compelling points.

  • Thanks –

    I am probably a minority in some respects – but I doubt that I am the only person doing how to do this types of things –

    I have seen what looks like catering to some photo interests – based on some staff interests – WordPress.COM blogs are used for many things

    Since there has been a big push for photo stuff and I can now post directly from my Android phone a photo something – the thing that puzzles me is that there is no easy way to get pictures from the Media Library to a backup on a persons PC

    I admin for some friends retired / travel blog – and your changes will probably not have any bad effect on them – I use one Medium picture for the lead and the rest go into a gallery –

  • @designsimply
    When Staff introduce changes like this one aimed at accommodating one group of bloggers (in this case photo bloggers) that’s a good thing provided what’s introduced does not negatively affect the blogs of others.

    What ought to come with the territory of introducing such changes is Staff undertaking the development and implementation of the required scripts to fix each and every negatively affected blog. Because expecting bloggers to discover their blogs have been mucked over yet again, and being given instructions to fix what they did not break just doesn’t cut it.

  • I’m an eccentric. I’m not into photography hence that awesomeness makes no difference at all to to me.

    It might make a difference to your readers.

    aimed at accommodating one group of bloggers (in this case photo bloggers)

    The change was made to accommodate anyone who does a theme switch so their images will automatically be properly resized in the new theme. It actually doesn’t have anything to do with photographers.

    being given instructions to fix what they did not break just doesn’t cut it

    Until I get a little more feedback and replies to the bug reports I created today (note that it’s the weekend), I won’t be able to give any sort of definitive instructions. The workarounds I posted earlier were the best things I could think of to do short term to help people. Everyone should stay tuned here to see how many people are having trouble (please post) and what other things can be done to help (which I can’t predict yet).

  • @designsimply

    The change was made to accommodate anyone who does a theme switch so their images will automatically be properly resized in the new theme. It actually doesn’t have anything to do with photographers.

    I stand corrected. Tx.

  • @auxclass:

    I have seen what looks like catering to some photo interests – based on some staff interests – WordPress.COM blogs are used for many things

    I don’t see that. updates, like the image resize one that just happened, are for all users, it was made so that images are resized properly after a theme switch and so that images with media settings class names present are sized properly according to the media settings.

    Since there has been a big push for photo stuff and I can now post directly from my Android phone a photo something – the thing that puzzles me is that there is no easy way to get pictures from the Media Library to a backup on a persons PC

    Those seem like totally separate issues compared to this latest update. If you want to talk about those things, can you please start a separate thread? I’d be happy to discuss them with you but I want to keep this thread on topic.

  • Hi everyone,

    I seem to have the same problem. All my pictures show up really small suddenly. I always use them as medium size and in the settings my medium is set as 300×300.

    I am not a tech person so a lot I read on the forum is greek to me. Could someone please explain to me what I need to do?

    my blog is


  • @boxofspice, sure! Your blog is currently using the Adelle theme. That theme has a main column width of 640px, so if you want the medium images (looks like that’s what’s in your posts) to be full width, go to Settings > Media and change the medium sizes to 640 and 640.

    Aside: the pictures on your blog are gorgeous!!

  • @designsimply
    Thank you so much for the compliment. :)

    Strangely 640×640 doesn’t work. I set it to 900×900. it works!!!!!
    Thank you for being so prompt…

  • I set it to 900×900. it works!!!!!

    Double phew!

    Also, I have a strange craving for lemonade now… :)

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