Photos have become small and off-centered.

  • I must not be using a retina screen, not quite sure what one is. :)

    I reset the zoom and the images actually got a little smaller.

  • Heh (about the zoom). Well, the zoom is just one thing to check, I’m trying to look for any clues or similarities in the reports so far.

    Here’s a bit of info about retina displays if you’re interested:’retina’_display

  • To: jimnicolson, thebirdingbunch, zimteam2011, shawnohalloran, dulceiutesarat

    Earlier, you reported a problem where you see images on your blog appear too small, but it happens randomly and unpredictably. I’m trying to track all of your reports and find any similarities which could lead to better clues about what might be causing the problem. I have tested myself, but am unable to trigger the problem at will, so it’s proving tough to track down and now I’m just looking for any similarities about your hardware or local network that could help spur some better info.

    In addition, this thread has become way too long with over 220 replies and it makes it really hard to track the problem. If you are interested in helping provide debugging information about the specific problem where images appear to small randomly, please start a new thread with answers to the following questions and tag it with “randomly small images”.

    1. Are you using a retina screen?
    2. What happens if you reset the zoom?
      (i.e. View > Actual Size in Chrome or View > Zoom > Reset in Firefox)
    3. What browser name and version are you using?
    4. Who is your internet service provider?
    5. What is your general geographic location?
    6. How often does the problem happen (every pageload? only sometimes)?
    7. How fast is your internet connection?
    8. Do you have any browser extensions such as AdBlocker installed?
    9. What else? Can you think of anything other details that might help track down the problem?

    I created a bug report for this issue as soon as it was reported, and I gathered up all the reports I could find and there were six total. I’m sure there are more out there, so if you are experiencing the problem and willing to help out by providing debugging information, please provide a screenshot (instructions below) and also answer the questions above in a new help request.

    If you see images load at a very small size on your blog and can help provide debugging information, please open the browser’s web inspector which can be done by right clicking the image and selecting the “Inspect Element” option and locate the HTML for the image. With the image showing, make a screenshot of the entire browser window and upload it to the web using a service such as

    I’m going to close this thread since it’s too long and replying here also makes it hard to track how many reports there really are for this nwhich isince it’s separate from the original problem reported in this thread. Thanks ahead of time for helping out with this issue if you can.

  • The topic ‘Photos have become small and off-centered.’ is closed to new replies.