Photos have become small and off-centered.

  • designsimply,

    With respect to the sizing issues of thebirdingbunch. Have you inquired about the presence of class names in the CSS class section of Edit Image > Advanced Settings? The issue you help me resolve on my site.

  • musicdoc1, yep, I think this is a different issue—I’m not even sure if it’s related to the change from before or if it’s something else. So I’m collecting examples to add to the bug report I’ve already filed for the issue. It’s proving a bit tough to track down!

  • Alright, designsimply. I forgot to mention that my example doesn’t explain why the image would display at 600 pixels, if set otherwise, unless a class name “size-full” or possibly “size large” was overriding the other size settings, causing it to display at an unwanted size.

  • Although I think it may show at the file size if the size settings are removed, as suggested by the “w=690” that you saw.

    Significantly, “W=” is seen when I import an image from the media gallery. “Width=” is seen when I add new size settings at Edit Image > Advanced Settings > Size. That’s one way of getting two different width settings in the HTML code of the same image.

  • my example doesn’t explain why the image would display at 600 pixels, if set otherwise, unless a class name “size-full” or possibly “size large” was overriding the other size settings

    The problem they are reporting now is different than the one you faced, and it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the “size-full” or “size-large” class names.

    Here is an example, the image appears very small and has HTML that says ‘width=”61″ height=”16″‘ but it should be much larger:

  • Right. I understand. I was just pointing out an omission I’d made in my example. Sorry if I’ve added any confusion.

  • All my images, old (last year) and new, have been resized to tiny thumbnails 80 to 150 pixels wide on my blog (theme: Twenty Eleven). All my old posts, which used to display fine, are useless. New posts do the same thing.

    Now I find that in my media library, when I click “View” for a given image, the image displays at its correct size (the size of the uploaded image), but the image is actually just a magnified version of the tiny thumbnail, as if the image actually saved is the thumbnail rather than the full-sized image. It appears WordPress has systematically destroyed my whole media library, turning each image into a tiny thumbnail. Can I recover my image library? What can I do to keep this from happening in new posts?

  • but the image is actually just a magnified version of the tiny thumbnail

    I tested this by clicking on the “View” link for the latest uploaded image in your media library and that link led to this page:

    The image there is displayed at 600px which appears to be the original size of the dscf7770.jpg uploaded image:

    Are you still seeing the problem you described with the “View” links in the media library, and if so could you reply back here with an example file name for one of the images you’re seeing a problem with?

    All my images, old (last year) and new, have been resized to tiny thumbnails 80 to 150 pixels wide on my blog (theme: Twenty Eleven)

    I checked the 2012 archive view for the front end of the blog, and the images look sized correctly there to me:

    I also checked the images on the home page at and those images don’t look too small to me either.

    I tested with Chrome 31 on a Mac.

    Could you try refreshing the page you were looking at before? If you’re still having trouble after that, could you let me know what browser version you’re using and whether you’re looking at the home page on the blog or some other page?

  • Thanks for looking into this. I have now talked to others, and everyone else sees normal-sized photos. I however still see only small ones, on two different computers (though both use the same router and ISP), whether I am on the home page or any other. This persists even after refreshing, and even after clearing cache and cookies and history. I am viewing this on Firefox 19.0.

    All my library images, when viewed in the dashboard, do display at proper size, but are just bad blowups of the thumbnail with no additional resolution. An especially severe example is
    But I expect that if you are seeing my images properly, the problem must lie on my end, and you will probably see this properly as well. What could my problem be?

  • I checked and here is what I see:

    Screen Shot 2013 11 24 at Sun Nov 24 10 19 05 PM

    I noticed you mentioned Firefox 19, and that is quite a bit outdated. My first question would be—is it possible for you to upgrade to the latest version (currently 25.0.1)?

  • Loujost,

    I checked the links to your images and pages given by designsimply, here, and all of the images seem to be normal sized. None are small as you’ve described.

    Yes, designsimply, FF 19 is old (9 months), and updating to newer version is probably a good idea. I can often tell when a new version is about to come out because the issues with the previous one becomes insupportable. However, I’ve never seen the issues you’ve described.

    You might also try testing another theme.

  • DesignSimply, I updated Firefox and that worked!! I would never have suspected that it would only work properly for the newest versions of my browser, so thanks for the suggestion!

  • Excellent! I’m so glad it’s working now!

  • DesignSimply, the problem of tiny images has returned today for some reason. It occurs on all my posts and in the editing windows. Help!

  • @loujost, okay, in that case it sounds like a bug that’s been reported by a few other people in this thread but the problem isn’t happening for everyone that views the blog.

    I did check again just now and the images appear normally for me.

    Since the problem is happening for you and not for me, you could help by documenting it with a screenshot:

    If you see the wrong image size load again, please open the browser’s web inspector which can be done by right clicking the image and selecting the “Inspect Element” option. Once you have both the HTML for the image and the image showing, make a screenshot of the entire browser window and upload it to the web using a service such as

    If you don’t have time to capture a screenshot, that’s okay.

  • Please help. I love I’ve been blogging for over a year- paid for the custom domain and was going to pay for the premium account, but this picture thing is driving me crazy. Here is a link to screenshots and coding. I put them in a Google Doc that anyone can view.

    Google Doc of image problem at

    I tried resizing everything from the media settings panel but it did nothing. I would be more than happy if every image in all my posts and pages displayed at full column width for Oxygen theme I think that’s somewhere between 660-700 wide.

  • I use the Chrome browser 100% of the time. Sometimes when I reload the page the pictures look fine.

    I cleared my browser history and cache and this didn’t help at all.

    My pages look fine in Firefox and IE… hmmm weird.

  • davidjtheriault,

    Looks like Chrome might be ignoring the class size values of your images. For example, in this image

    <p dir=”ltr”><img class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-1273″ alt=”Pitching In” src=”″ /></p>

    the class size value is “size-large”. If Chrome doesn’t read or understand that, then it may display it at the original size (probably the file size), which is 470wX258h in this case.

  • davidjtheriault, it’s an intermittent bug and it’s proving a little hard to track down. For example, I can see the images working fine at if I check using Chrome. Here is what I see:

    In the Google doc, the img tags look correct for the images that show up small in the screenshots further down. Did you pull those code examples out of the editor inside your blog dashboard or did you get them from a browser directly?

    If you see the wrong image size load again, please open the browser’s web inspector which can be done by right clicking the image and selecting the “Inspect Element” option. Once you have both the HTML for the image and the image showing, make a screenshot of the entire browser window and upload it to the web using a service such as

  • Also, anyone experience the too-small images issue:

    * Are you using a retina screen?
    * What happens if you reset the zoom?
    (i.e. View > Actual Size in Chrome or View > Zoom > Reset in Firefox)

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