Photos don’t upload

  • Sometimes my photos won’t upload to my travel blog, there’s just a grey box instead of the photo. I saw on the internet someone else had posted the same problem. Any idea why that’s happening?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @travelsofsandy, this is most likely an issue with your internet connection when you’re uploading — sometimes that happens with travel bloggers in particular. Are you using one of our apps? If so let us know which one.

  • Hello –
    Thank you for the reply. I suspected the internet was the reason for my problems since sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t, and when it doesn’t I also notice slow email and other internet usage.

    I am using the free version of wordpress.

  • Hi travelsofsandy,

    I’ve been able to successfully upload a test image to, which confirms this issue is most likely related to your internet connection — especially as it is intermittent.

    Some of the images in your Media Library are 3-4MB and that is quite large for the web. You may want to look at image optimisation to help with speed and getting the most out of your storage space:

    Optimize Your Images

  • Hello
    Thanks so much for the information, I have suspected all along that the speed and quality of the internet is a factor.

    Regarding the size of the images, I just transfer photos from the chip in my camera to my computer then upload to my blog. So I assumed all the photos are the same size. I was able to upload some photos day before yesterday – it was a little slow but they uploaded. I haven’t tried today, I’m in Prague, Czech Republic and just arrived late yesterday evening so haven’t tried anything yet here. But I will use your suggestion and look at optimization.

    Thanks again!


  • Sandy, let us know if you keep having trouble.

  • Thanks! I will, I haven’t tried uploading any photos today, nor have I tried the optimization tool. But I’ll let you know.

    You all have been awesome about communicating with me and providing customer service – thanks so much!


  • Hello – I just now tried to upload a photo and I get the grey box appearance. I am in Prague, Czech Republic in a hotel, don’t know the capacity of the internet. Is there a way I can send you the photo I’m trying to upload to see if you can upload it?

    Thanks so much!

  • Hello again – 5 minutes after I sent the previous message, I was able to upload all of my photos, it was slow but I was able to do it. I don’t think we need to spend any more time troubleshooting this. There’s too many variables: my computer, your server, the network, size of files, etc.

    It’s just something that I will cope with while on this travel adventure.

    Thanks again for your dedicated help! I won’t bother you again on this particular topic :)


  • No problem, Sandy. I’d mentioned the apps earlier; sometimes those can help with internet issues since you can work offline or keep working while images upload.

    You can find them here:

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