Photos are not showing up on mobile

  • For some reason, my photos are not showing up on mobile when I click into one of my portfolios. I ran a website speed test and it said I needed to “Remove query strings from static resources” and “Minimize redirects.” I don’t know how to do that. Can someone please help?

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey angelafphoto,

    I have checked it on an iPhone 5S and everything looked good. Can you share the link to that particular portfolio you’re facing the problem with?

    The removal of query strings and redirect minimization is only possible if you have a Business Plan. Plugins are required for that which can’t be installed in any other plan. handles everything, you just have to focus on uploading the optimized images.

    If the size of the images is bigger, your website speed will automatically decrease.

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