
  • The new, imposed Gutenberg format causes the photograph I place (paste) at the top of a blog to spread over the entire page, left to right, instead of sitting exactly above the text. Why is that happening/

  • Hi there, I see two oversized images in your last two posts that are hotlinked (Insert from URL) from outside sources. Are you changing the image’s size or alignment after you insert it? What are the current settings for those images?

  • Hi grousebeater,

    I suspect that it happened because the alignment of the image was set to ‘Full width’ at the editor toolbar.

    Can you try changing the alignment to ‘Align center’ and see if that helps?

  • In the past, before Gutenburg format appeared and threw my system into chaos, I saved the image onto my documents file, and then up-loaded it onto the top of the page, or between text, if more than one image.

    However, the icon to do that no longer exists on my toolbar, hence I’ve pasted it in, but as you can see, this doesn’t work.

    Where is the door to to adjust ‘full-width’? Thanks.

    PS: I’m not greatly computer literate; a bullet line, one step at a time helps me.

  • Hi grousebeater,

    Clicking on the image that you have pasted should bring up the following toolbar (refer to screenshot link below) where you can change the alignment of the image,

    Screenshot of toolbar for changing alignment

  • Hi there,

    I see what you mean.

    I see you have that image added inside a classic block. Can you check if the same thing happens if you add it inside an image block instead?

    Image Block

    That might not work either, though: the Twenty Ten theme you’re using on that site is ten years old, which is ancient in software years, and is also retired. That means the theme is no longer being maintained, and hasn’t received any updates to make it compatible with the block editor.

    In other words, this is most likely being caused by your theme, and due to the age of this theme, it’s not something that will be fixed. So it might be time to change themes.

    I know one gets attached to the look of one’s site, but in this case you can consider the Twenty Sixteen theme – it has almost the same look as Twenty Ten, but supports more of the newer features on It’s still an older theme, but it is still being maintained, and should work better with the block editor than you’re current theme:

  • Ah, it appears this thread got some replies while I was investigating :)

    Thanks for the help, @justjennifer and @keelearnstocode

  • I think I may have complicated things by being thrown with the new format, and then layered it with the Classic one.

    My limited knowledge is telling me I need to edit out the photograph, somehow return to the new Gutenberg format and then lift the photo from my documents and drop it in at the top of the essay – easy for an amateur like to me say, but I’ll need a step-by-step instruction how to get there. Any help gratefully received.

    Apologies for being totally green around the gills about this. Eek!

    I guess I’m going to have to use the new format or bust!

  • Okay, what I’m seeing now looks like you’ve actually copied some HTML and the image, and that extra HTML is causing some trouble.

    Here’s what I recommend.

    Copy the text and everything below that.

    Clear the rest of your page.

    Paste the text back in. Now that extra HTML should be gone.

    Then, just use a regular image block to re-add the image:

    Can you try that?

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