Photo arrangement of previous published posts all changed

  • Hah, I thought the same :)

    There is a bit of retired premium theme information in our support documentation: — that covers the main points.

  • Hi Gemma,

    I know it has been a while, but I wanted to follow up on my theme, Motif, which has been retired. I have been previewing a few other themes, but I wonder how changing to a new theme will affect my previously published posts. When, for example, I preview some of the themes, and they do not show the phot that is currently the featured photo for each published post, does that mean that those featured photos will simply be left out?

    Also, some of the themes rearrange my photos in the preview. If I do not like the arrangement, does that mean I would have to go back through 100 + posts and correct the arrangement? Not practical!

    I appreciate any suggestion you might have.

    Thank you,

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