phishing comment?

  • The below is about a comment that was waiting my approval today. I found this to be a “clever” way for a (spam) commenter to get your email address:

    Submitted on 2009/02/20 at 10:52am
    I wanted the copyright of the image in the link
    Please mail me your email id, so that i can send a formal requisition mail to you regarding this.

    The link is here “” and you’ll see it is dubious.
    And of course he/she/what DID CERTAINLY PROVIDE AN EMAIL ADDY for CONTACT/reply, if I so wished. I won’t burden anyone here with that address.

    This is a cautionary note for newbies, or less skeptical fold than I, and perhaps it might be better in “off topic” forum?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • not “fold”
    (slightly dyslexic :-( )

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