People Don’t like to comment?

  • People Don’t like to comment?

    I have just started posting in my blog about 3 days ago even though my blog was created near the start of december I never had time to post in it and for quite a while I’ve had alot of people doing trackbacks to my blog and people reading my feeds ect. and all that is great!

    But they never seem to comment on anything…am I doing something wrong? or is this a general trend with the type of content I post?

    My blog:

  • Depends not to long ago I had 200+ views on one post an no comments. And then their was like 50 views an 20 comments on another.

  • I get over a thousand hits per day, but probably fewer than ten comments on an average day. And if the people leaving comments feel like you never read them, you’ll get fewer and fewer as time goes on. Reply to your comments, but remember that the vast majority of people will not comment, no matter what.

    Also, it helps if you comment on other people’s blogs.

  • And if the people leaving comments feel like you never read them, you’ll get fewer and fewer as time goes on.

    so true – when people don’t acknowledge my comments, it doesn’t encourage me to leave any more in future.

  • Most don’t comment. But I use to think why don’t I get comments but the top blogs get hundreds of comments per post. Now that I get comments, I wish I never did. lol The fights and arguments and threats and crap bordering on criminal. I wish I never allowed comments.

  • Just to add to ratios… I had a post that did 42,000 views in 24 hours and there was only around 100 comments. So yeah, the majority of surfers don’t comment.

  • If the entries are almost “post-perfect”, people just like to read without leaving any comments. Majority of those who visit my blog for the first time comes back a few times probably because they get something “free” (such as free mp3s) and later leave comments to say “thank you”. I think that’s good enough than never really commenting at all.

    I would definately come back to a blog if the author acknowledge my comments and vice versa. I think that’s part of blog-etiquette.

  • Thanks for the advice :) I’ll keep it in mind I don’t think it would be that hard to reply to comments anyway since there wouldn’t be a lot to sift through

  • I get plenty of spam comments. Does that count? :)

  • <i>If the entries are almost “post-perfect”, people just like to read without leaving any comments.</i>

    That’s very, very true. My highest comment posts were always ones where I made mistakes, or people strongly disagreed with me. If I corrected the original posts then things slowed down.

  • Also: try insulting your readers. Your readership will drop off a cliff, but boy oh boy will you get a lot of comments!

  • It seems like I usually only get comments from people who have something to complain about.

    It seems that is no one has anything to say, they’ve enjoyed what you’ve written and pretty much just agree with you.

  • (1) I don’t like to comment on blogs where I get the feeling from reading the comments that an “old boys/girls club” has been established. I those cases if I do comment I only leave a one liner and don’t usually return.
    (2) Unlike most bloggers I don’t like to debate and argue. I’d rather read other people’s passionately stated positions and keep my own to myself. Or if I do enter the fray, I state my own point of view once, leave and never check back to see if others agreed with me or not. (I live in a small community where everyone states their position just once rather than haranguing each other.)
    (3) I hate flame wars and all the back and forth BS and exchange of obscenities that others may think is clever makes me gag. I don’t comment on blogs like these – I leave.
    (4) If I do find a blog where a blogger has posted something that interested me and discover they are relying on religious doctrine, dogma or scripture to state their case or to back their stand I feel utter contempt for them and choose to leave immediately, rather than commenting on their ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy.
    (5) When I click on blogs that lack content and are only comprised of youtubes, music embeds and the like I rarely click on them and watch them or listen to them and I certainly don’t comment. I become a meaningless 30 second stat, just in and out.
    (6) When I feel that a blogger has used sexual text or images just to get hits like the Britney crotch crap we witnessed I never comment on what they post I just leave – never to return again.
    (7) I don’t even own a camera but I love photo blogs and blogs that include poetry or wisdom sayings or reflections with their photos. Now and then I comment to thank them for the enjoyment I experience viewing the art and reading what’s written there.
    (8) I read many fine wordpress blogs where people who are much brighter and better educated than I am have civilized conversations that enlighten and educate me me but I don’t frequently feel inclined to comment.
    (9) When I first began blogging I was far more inclined to leave a comment than I am now, and I feel my inclination to say anything diminishing more and more day by day. I’m a reader and just reading blogs is fine with me.

  • Jonathan Tu noted that my post with the most comments is actually one of my shortest. Cause and effect?

  • Re: original question–make sure you aren’t requiring people to register/login in order to post a comment. A lot of Blogger blogs are set up this way, probably to discourage spam, but I find it a huge turn-off and won’t leave a comment if that’s the case, and that goes for non-Blogger sites too. You should be able to have enough control over the site that you can delete spam or trolling comments; maybe I’m just spoiled by WordPress, but I haven’t had a bad comment or spam get by me yet. My main blog is rather specialized (I’m trying to be BoingBoing for the horsey set, without all the DRM/Japan obsession, obvy) so I tend to have a limited audience anyway, but I’m always happy to get comments from new people and I do reply to the comments they leave. Sometimes it seems like they don’t come back to read them, though; what can you do…

  • They will if you click on their names and go to their blogs from that comment; everyone, and I mean EVERYONE checks their incomings.

  • give me this software

  • As has been said above, most are readers only. I’ve found that by commenting on other blogs, you’re encouraging them (and their readers) to comment on yours (if they feel the content merits it). It tells people that you’re willing to have a two way conversation, not just a one way soapbox.

    I think it helps if you can lift your readers and trigger at least a little bit of their imagination….ask questions of them. Any writer of movies, TV, books etc knows that characterization is important, and the most important part of that is that the reader / viewer relate to them. A character you love or hate is doing it’s job….it’s hooking you emotionally to them. A non-reaction is the kiss of death.

    I have wondered if the blog was “too perfect” that it wouldn’t get comments. By “too perfect” I mean that all the angles are covered, and there’s no wriggle room. If everything is covered, there’d be nothing left to add, hence… reason to comment. I doubt that’s reality though, many of my blogs are very long to cover a lot of angles……which turn people off BECAUSE they are too long…..I am working on that lol.

  • The advantage of responding to people who do comment is a good one, it shows that you DO read them, and are interested in what they say. I’d stay clear of flaming etc as has been mentioned. Imbecile frat boy insults is a major turn off for a lot of people…..including me.

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