PenScratch : Remove Tags

  • Hi,

    I’m working on the PenScratch theme and the typical CSS to remove the tags doesn’t seem to be working.

    As well, how can I change the width of my columns?

    Greatly appreciated!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Could you tell me the CSS are you using to remove the tags?

    The following CSS works for me:

    span.tags-links {
    	display: none;

    By column width, do you mean you would like to increase the width of the posts column? Could you elaborate a bit. Thank you.

  • Hi,

    That worked for the tags – thank you!

    As for the column width, I would like to keep my widget column the same width but reduce the width of the posts column.

  • I am not really sure if you want to reduce the width of the posts column. The whitespace between posts and widgets may look awkward.

    Please describe which side ( left or right) of the posts column do you want the whitespace? Do you want the same whitespace in the individual post page as well?

  • I would like to keep my widget column the same width but reduce the width of the posts column.

    In the Forever theme, the width of the main column on the posts page (or home page) is setup like this:

    #content {
    	margin: 0 38.020833333333% 0 3.645833333333%;
    	max-width: 560px;

    You can adjust the width by adding something like this to your Appearance > Customize > CSS editor to override the max-width in the theme CSS:

    #content {
    	max-width: 500px;

    Change the 500px number to what you think looks best. You should also change the “Media Width” setting below the CSS editor in the Appearance > Customize > CSS panel to whatever new width you choose.

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