Penscratch 2 – Excerpts

  • Hello and thanks for a great theme.

    I have one problem though, it is when using the excerpt function.
    I get either one or two problems with this.

    1. When I set the theme to use excerpts, it does not use the excerpt I write within the excerpt field while writing a post. It just adds the first four lines and adds a “continue reading” button. It also doesn’t follow the formatting such as H1, H2, H3, and does not include space between the H3 and the following text which makes it look quite bad.

    2. If I do not write a specific excerpt in the excerpt field, it does just the same as described in point 1.

    3. If I however put in a read more wherever I want to, it only shows the selected text that I wanted. But it does not add a read more button, which makes accessing the post impossible.

    How can I fix this? The only thing I want is for the excerpt field to function, as I usually write my own short excerpts.

    Also how can I change the text of Continue reading to Les mer (Norwegian)?

    Please help me with these issues.

    Best regards

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, is a self hosted website and not one hosted on

    This is the forum for

    You can find help with your theme at the forum:

    For help with websites please see here:

    To learn about the difference between the two please see here:

    Hope it helps.

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