Paypal receipt emails

  • On our site, users can make donations, or purchase raffle tickets via PayPal, however, none of the admins are receiving the confirmed purchase emails from PayPal, but we did in the past (the past meaning the past 4 years, and up to most recently, less than 2 months ago.)
    We receive the purchase emails from WordPress (the Cart Press) but many of those orders don’t clear through PayPal. Is there a way to resume receiving the emails from purchases that have cleared through PayPal?

    Also, is it possible to have more than 2 people (emails) receive confirmation emails? When we try and place a 3rd email address in the receive line in The Cart Press, it never works, despite the proper formatting.

    Cheers, thanks.

  • You failed to post the exact URL of the site you refer to. To save you time you can type the actual URL of the site you are referring to into to determine who hosts the site(s) so you know where to post for support.

    This is WordPress.COM support and that site may not be on our servers. For hosting issues contact your web host. For software support read on.

    To be clear we do not provide support for local installs of WordPress.ORG software, or for WordPress.ORG software installs on paid hosting, linked to WordPress.COM accounts with the Jetpack plugin so they display on the My Sites WordPress.COM account page.

    WordPress.COM and WordPress.ORG are completely separate and have different username accounts, logins, features, run different versions of some themes with the same names, and have separate support documentation and separate support forums. Read the differences here

    The wordpress.ORG support forum is at The wordpress.ORG login link is here If you do not have an account yet then click Create an account and if you have lost an account password click Lost password? support docs are at
    See also for app support.

  • Sorry, your reply confuses me. I have zero inclination what you are referring to.

    I do have a WordPress account, but I don’t know what it is, I log in directly to the site I’m an admin for, but we have our own log in structure; we don’t log into WordPress, so I don’t know it; please forgive me.

    I have zero idea what you are recommending or telling me to do. It sounds more like your berating me. (I don’t even know if we are or .org, I believe it’s .org.) I inherited this site a few months ago as admin, and have spent hours cleaning it up. I’m clueless as to 99% of what info you are asking of me/referring to.

    I’d rather not post the link to our site. If there is a Help/Support Chat function I’d gladly use it and give out the site there.

    Forgive me for being an idiot, but I came here for help. I checked some of the links you posted and I have zero idea why you posted them as they are not helpful to my situation.

    Again, your reply is more confusing to me than helpful. I have zero idea what you are trying to tell me.

    Thanks for the taking the time to at least read my question and reply, but it seems like your reply was a boilerplate answer. I can not emphasize how much it confuses me.

    I’ll try and find help elsewhere.

    Again, please forgive me for not understanding; I wish you nothing but good things.

  • Hi again,

    I am not berating you and would not be spending my time here for over eleven years answering questions if I did not aim to provide helpful instructions to everyone in every thread I respond to. Unfortunately, you apparently do not understand what I posted.

    There is no WordPress.COM phone support. Live chat support from Staff is available only to those with WordPress.COM hosted sites that have upgraded plans. There is no Staff support at all for WordPress.ORG software installs. As you did not share the URL of the site your refer to I cannot even find out if your site is hosted by WordPress.COM or not.

    I will tag this thread in the sidebar with modlook and Staff will email you and ask you to provide the URL of your site when they do that. Please subscribe to this thread so you are notified when they respond and be patient while waiting. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

    Best wishes for a happy ending.

  • Important note:
    TheCartPress e-commerce plugin is for WordPress.ORG software installs.

    The wordpress.ORG support forum is at The wordpress.ORG login link is here If you do not have an account yet then click Create an account and if you have lost an account password click Lost password? support docs are at
    See also for app support.

  • Hi folks :)

    @timethief most plugins can be installed here, so it wouldn’t hurt to double check.

    @caochb can you let us know the address for your site so we can look it up? It isn’t associated with this account, which you just created.

  • Actually I can see now you mentioned this is most likely a installation.

    If it helps, this forum is for sites hosted here at You’ll want to try for DIY installations instead.

    Also, you might check with your host to see if the emails are getting stuck on your server. Good luck!

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