PayPal Plug-in at

  • Hello and thank you.

    I want to add a PayPal “Buy” button for people to pay me online. My blog is a site. There are a lot of WP pay pal plug-ins. I selected the WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart and a message that tells me to upgrade to business plan to install plug-in. Is this the requirement for downloading any of these plug-ins? Thanks.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi gabriel76,

    Yes, you cannot install plugins on a site without a Business Plan upgrade. You can read more about the built-in plugins and what is available through the Business Plan here:

    However, you can always add PayPal buttons to your site, so that people can make purchases. You can read instructions for that here:

    I hope that helps!

  • Thanks, Dolissa. It does help in that it does get me closer to creating the kind of button I want. The button I want is one that has both a list of credit cards AND a PayPal option. So I wrestled with the instructions this morning and was able to set up the button (not the one I want but a button nonetheless). I click on it to test it, and I end up getting this defunct page []. In other words, it doesn’t go to a payment page. So I need help. Thank you.

  • Is this my issue? []. If so, not sure how to resolve it. Thanks.

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