Pasting word document and retain font colors

  • Hello,

    Can someone explain to me if and how it’s possible to paste text from word into wordpress and retain the same different font colors?

    I noticed some sites mentioned a “paste from word” button but I can’t find this one, maybe it’s been removed from the current wordress version?

    Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks.

    I can’t simply change the color in wordpress because it’s a long series of different colored fonts to emphasize the different people speaking in a conversation.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Pasting from a Word document to is a bad idea! Word produces very sloppy, heavy and incompatible html resulting in loosing formatting.
    Instead just type your text directly into the block editor and format it in there.

  • Thank you starrtmees for your reply. The problem is I already have a 300 page word document that I will include as individual posts, and I have to retain the font color format. Is there a way to export from word to another program or format and then input into wordpress to retain the formatting? Thank you.

  • No there isn’t. The only solution is to save that document as pdf and insert it as a link in your site,

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