
  • Using 2015 theme to write a blog, paragraphs formatted perfectly when I write, indentions and spacing still there when I preview but paragraph intentions/spacings disappear on published page. Writing on desktop with Windows, have viewed on desktop and iPhone 7, same problem both places. Have Googled potential answers, WP Beginner directed to go to “Home” to change settings, cannot find a “Home” button anywhere on any WordPress page. Please help? Thank you so much!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there – your paragraph spacing is off because you have div tags throughout your post, which shouldn’t be there. This can happen when pasting from another application.

    To fix the problem in existing posts, flip to HTML/Text view and remove every instance of




    Once those tags are removed, as long as you leave a blank line between paragraphs, your spacing should be good.

    To solve the issue with new posts, I suggest using the “Paste as text” button when you copy over text from another app.

    Have Googled potential answers, WP Beginner directed to go to “Home” to change settings, cannot find a “Home” button anywhere on any WordPress page.

    I’m not sure what they’re referring to, but if you provide a link to the post you were reading I can take a look.

  • Kathryn, thank you so much for your help! You are right in that I copy/pasted my blog post; I had written it as a draft in Gmail for safekeeping since I am new to WordPress, and then had/copy pasted it to my WordPress page. And I really had no idea how to use the HTML setting until you explained it. So I’ve learned a few things today. :) thank you so much, I appreciate you and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  • You’re very welcome! The post looks great now. :)

    Feel free to start a new thread if you need help with anything else!

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