Paragraph breaks?

  • kstafford – the theme you chose is using what’s known as full justification, meaning that the text is spaced out evenly from left to right margins.

    As for the alignment – in looking at your blog, your pictures are always aligned to the center. Perhaps what is happening is that the centering code is still there, even though the picture has been removed. Take a look at the code editor – you should see that there.

  • Just for reference in case any of you are using Safari:

    The TinyMCE editor that wordpress uses for writing pages and posts is not fully compatible with Safari and you will find problems in other areas as well.

    I would suggest downloading the Firefox or Camino or Flock browser to use with wordpress as they are the most compatible with wordpress.


    Alternately, you can go to “my profile” in the upper right of your dashboard and uncheck “use visual rich text editor,” click “update profile and then you will be doing all your writing in code view. Some, including myself, find this a little confusing since in addition to the text of your post, you will see all the html code for your formatting.

    Another alternative is to use an offline blog editor. Timethief has rounded up all the most popular editors and listed them on her wordpress resources blog at:

  • Unitedcats, that’s interesting your old posts are still fine. I only noticed this problem when writing a new post, but it seems that all my older posts (and pages) have also been affected.

    Thesacredpath: thanks for your suggestions. I have actually tried all of the above (except the offline editor) before posting to this forum, and I am still experiencing this difficulty. I use Firefox all the time anyway, but in this case, the behavior of IE7 and Firefox is identical. In addition, code view doesn’t present the advantage over the visual rich text editor because the HTML tags are getting eaten up. Once I save the post, it is as if I’m not actually typing in the HTML at all.

    In any case, it doesn’t seem like an offline editor should be necessary when I’m all trying to do is insert a paragraph break. This is really basic stuff here. The default used to be to insert such a break after a [/UL] tag anyway, and now those spaces have disappeared all at once. It seems like the issue might be interaction between and the Ocean Mist theme (possibly a couple other themes, since some other folks have posted on this thread). If that’s the case, then I will just have to continue waiting until I hear back from support, who I assume has been taking time off for the holidays.

  • Thanks Vivianpaige – by the way, that’s the name I have saved up for if I ever get blessed with a daughter. I’ve always loved the name Vivian. :-)

    I think you’re right…..I actually went to center-alignment for my pictures due to the problem I was having. Thanks as always for everyone looking into this. We seriously have world-class support on this forum thanks to all of the volunteers. I only wish it was the same when I have to call other companies.

  • I’m using the Ocean Mist theme, and have also started having the same problems with paragraph spacing in the last week or so (older posts are fine), particularly with no spaces coming after bullet list or pictures. I still need to write posts though, so I’m having to make huge gaps between either and the next paragraph, and it looks very very sloppy. I’d appreciate it if this got fixed ASAP.

  • Yes, it does look sloppy. I am still experiencing this problem as well — pictures seem OK, but bullet lists and tables have paragraph breaks disappeared. I just tried to edit this again, but once again, any changes to HTML I make are eaten up, and the paragraph break doesn’t register.

    I tried sending an email to the theme creator, and I also sent an email to support several days ago, and I haven’t heard back yet, even though we are now well out of the holidays. Does anyone from support have any idea what’s going on with this?

  • i was having a problem making paragraph breaks as well in safari. i switched to firefox and now it’s working fine. i couldn’t even post this reply in safari. i’ll be sticking to firefox from now on for my wordpress blog.

  • @reflectionlj
    What version of Safari and Mac OS are you using? I now cannot get paragraph breaks to work in Firefox, but they now work in Safari 3.0.4 for me (OS X 10.4.11).

    I’ve tried here and also on my self-hosted blog, and Firefox will not hold the paragraph breaks for me with the visual editor.

  • Everything seems to be working fine for me now. A big thanks to whomever solved the problem!

  • For me, I just discovered that the paragraph breaks in Firefox are not showing in the visual editor once you hit save or save and continue, but they do show up when you publish the post. Something is weird.

  • I spoke prematurely. I’m using IE7, and a post I’m typing up at the moment seems to be having no problems, but half of the edits to spaces under pictures I’m making to old posts seem to work, but the other half still exhibit the same bug.

  • sacredpath,

    i have os x 10.5.1 (just bought a new computer) but am using the same versions of safari and firefox as you. so, it must be leopard that is allowing me to make paragraph breaks in firefox but not safari.

  • No, today Safari is back to it’s old tricks and Firefox is (mostly) working right. Don’t know what was going on.

  • The issue I originally posted on — in which spaces that should exist, by default, after bullet lists and tables, but cannot be added — is still persisting, though there appear to be many variations on this issue. Identical problem in both IE and Firefox, I don’t have Safari, so I couldn’t verify there.

  • And, as before, everything is effected– pages, old posts, and new posts, across the board.

  • I’m still having the same problems. Support doesn’t appear to read these forums, so I resolved to contact them directly, but it appears that they’re off this week!

  • It turns out that here in South Korea, I’m usually in bed when support is open, so if someone else can let them know during those hours about the problems us Ocean Mist users are having, I’d really appreciate it!

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