pages not saving changes

  • I am editing my pages but when I am clicking on ‘update’ it’s not getting saved.
    How to solve the issue

    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • I don’t able to see your Website link cuz i am not moderator. But, i can help

    1. Please check your Network, it should be network error.

    Hope this helps

  • This one can indeed be a network issue if there aren’t other errors. @shatakshi1712,

    I’d recommend copying your content first so you’ll have that saved while you troubleshoot. To get _everything_ on the page, use the three-dots menu, choose Code Editor, click and press ctrl+A to select all (or command+A on a mac) then paste into a text editor on your computer.

    Then, you can go to or and clicking edit again. If it connects, try selecting all and pasting there, and saving. If it works, you’re good. If it doesn’t, I’d recommend testing in a different browser next. Let us know what you find!

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