pages not being indexed

  • Google tells me some of my pages have a noindex tag, site indexing is on / allowed, other pages are being indexed but not all, I have around a hundred pages that google says have a noindex tag, can’t find a way to fix this. Many of my other posts are indexed ok. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I checked the site settings, my site should all be indexed

    Site Visibility: Allow search engines to index this site

    Google Console –
    Page cannot be indexed: Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag

  • I also made sure that the the SEO settings were correct and I tried turning off jetpack
    Looked at the code view, no tag

    tried revalidating the page, same result

    this page is an example ~

  • Odd – I’m not seeing a noindex tag anywhere, and everything I’m finding from Google suggests that’s the main thing to watch for. I did see some notes on redirects, though, so just as a hunch, can you confirm whether the links Google won’t index are listed there with slashes at the end of the URLs? I know the one you posted here does, but can you check to see if it that’s how they’re listed in the report?

    I ask because this link:

    actually redirects over to this real page:

    And I don’t think Google will index links that redirect. But it should index with the slash in place. Let me know what you find!

  • Ok, all these errors are related to pages that link to social media shares  “…/?shared=email&msg=fail” for instance

    I need to find a way to tell Google to ignore these pages

  • Hey there!

    Got it! Thank you for narrowing that down.

    It looks like this is what you need: :)

    This is where you can do this via Google Search Console.

    I hope this helps!

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