pages go back to homepage

  • Created several pages. Linked those pages to words on the homepage. Every time click links they basically refresh the homepage. It will show in the url tab the name it’s supposed to go to but you only see the homepage. Even if type in page’s url will show homepage.

    I’ve googled and we don’t have permalinks or anything so not sure what is going on.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • the one i changed to blank template worked but had to reformat it

  • Hi there!

    I’ve checked the homepage and found that the links are working now. Are you all set?

    I see that you contacted us via email as well, and one of our Happiness Engineers replied to you yesterday with answers that go into a bit of the formatting/editing of your site.

    To keep the conversation in one place, feel free to reply to the email if you have more questions about formatting/editing.

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