Pages Disappeared!

  • Hi all,

    So I added two pages yesterday, and updated the other one, for a total of three pages. I also added my first post.

    Very very happy with what I had.

    Now all my work from yesterday has disappeared:

    *two pages (“Contact” and “Online”)
    *the other page has reverted to how it was before yesterday
    *the post has gone.

    However, I definitely saved my work, as I was looking at the site yesterday evening and THIS MORNING in the updated version.

    What has happened to all my work!??

    It’s literally disappeared in the last half an hour (about thirty minutes ago the site was as it should be!)

    Please someone help me,


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Usually this is because you didn’t add them to the custom menu. Please go to your dashboard Pages page and see if they are listed there. If they are, please give us the link to the pages.

  • Hi raincoaster,

    Thank you for your response.

    They are not listed there. However, they were listed up until about half an hour before I posted this thread! What on earth? Nothing is appearing anywhere; it’s as if I never posted or saved them at all (although I 1000% did; note, I have other blogs with wordpress, and this has never happened before).

    Not that it seems to help, but I believe the extension for the two pages were “/contact” and “/online”. I think the post was “/gmbmjan14”, but I’m not 100% sure on that.

    My thanks,


  • PS

    I don’t know if this is relevant, but I seem to have two blogs with the exact same web address listed on my dashboard, but the names are respectively “ukip ealing” and “UKIP EALING”. In any case, both are identical and neither has the pages and post that I made yesterday.



    OKAY, I’VE FIGURED IT OUT…. BUT now there’s a new problem

    So, I went into _views_ to my sites. And voila, I found the pages and post in there. I opened the link and hey presto I could go to the pages again.

    So why did they disappear?

    Must be because, for some reason I don’t understand, I had two blogs with identical web addresses. Sometimes when I type in the address, it must go to one blog, and sometimes the other. Hence the discrepancy.

    So I changed one blog to “ukipealing1.” and the other to “ukipealing2.” to test my theory. Turns out I was right.

    Having tested my theory by renaming the two blogs, I wish to change the (now named) “” back to being “ukipealing” (that is, without the number). But it won’t let me.

    So, in short, I used to have two different blogs with ONE WEB ADDRESS! Hence the problems. And now I cannot even have ONE blog at that old address(!)

    All I want is ukipealing2…. at the address ukipealing…. Is this doable?

    My thanks,


  • Since you have created multiple new blogs, we aren’t able to simply rename them now because that would cause things on your blog to not work properly. Instead, you can either keep your blog at, or you can do an export of your content on that blog and then import it into using the Import and Export tools in your Dashboard under Tools. Once your content is at you could then delete the other three blogs if you wished.

    If you run into any difficulty with this or have additional questions, please let me know.

  • Hi there, jackiedana, thank you for your help. Unfortunately, I’ve imported and yet, after more than 24 hours, it says my action is still being processed! It also says to seek help if this should be so. That is, the ukipealing2 blog has still not been imported to ukipealing.

  • I have reset your importer for you. Please try the import to again and let me know how it goes.

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