Page supporting Posts – or – Custom Menus

  • Hi,
    I’m sure there’s an answer on here but there are so many posts I’m getting lost!

    Posting my blogs are fine and I have a static ‘About the Blog’ page. What I would like to create is an additional page that will support posts for Book Reviews. I’ve tried the Custom Menu option but my new ‘posts’ also show on my main Blog post page and I don’t want them to – I want the Book Review posts/updates to publish ONLY to the relevant page.
    I am currently using the Comet Theme – can someone help/advise the best option for me to achieve what I want please?
    Thanks in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I also need advice on the same topic. I have a short stories as a menu option but three stories I posted are not showing up in there. Also the three I already have up on my site, can they be moved now or do I need to repost them when I get an answer on the first question.
    Help please and thank you.

  • I want the Book Review posts/updates to publish ONLY to the relevant page.

    If you add “Book Review” as a category to any published post, then you will see it as an option to add as a category menu item on the Menus page. It has to be done in that order: post with category first, then category menu item.

    There is not a way to prevent posts using “Book Review” as a category from also appearing on the posts page though. It will appear on both.

  • Ok, thank you for the information. I’ll have to think about whether I create a separate blog to do with all things book related.
    Thanks again :-)

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