Page numbering on main site – how to remove it?

  • Hi
    I have on my site a few main pages. In one of them I want to add a short stories but, to keep order, I portioned it to a few pages.
    I used this line in html:

    And now I have a pages in my main page. I can sent a screen with it to show you exactly what I mean :)

    Can I remove it? I don’t want this kind of navigation on my site, I did a my own. Now I simply want to remove this numbering. Can I?
    Maybe someone knows that?
    You can write to me on mail: (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You can remove the <!–nextpage–> tag and use either shortcodes to display your posts in a different order:
    The above link explains that you can also create a custom link, with a chosen date to display posts and add it as an item to your main menu.
    You can also control the Publishing dates from each of your posts by changing the Publish date through your Post editor.
    Let us know if this answers your question.

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