Page Length

  • Firstly I apologise if this is a stupid question. I have read through just about everything here though and can’t find the answer. I know how to open a new page and also how to close a page. What I would like to know though is if the page will close automatically when it reaches a certain length or can pages only be closed manually? Is there anywhere in the FAQ’s or the forum where I can find information on this?

  • I don’t know of any situation where pages close when they reach a fixed length.

  • Thanks for that. So I take it the only way a page can close is if it is manually done by the admin? Sorry to sound so daft.

  • Well no, if I understand what you mean it goes like this: you put your content on the page, pictures, text, whatever, and when you hit Publish the page arranges itself. You don’t have to set the size or anything. The page always ends up long enough to display what you’ve given it unless you use the MORE tag to truncate your post.

  • The only place I know where they have that is at IMDB because one time someone posted the entire Book of Revelations on their profile page. lol

  • I have a photo page on my blog and the last photo I entered got cut in half by the ‘add a comment’ box…so I thought I had a reached the end of the page and had gone too long with the photo. But from what I am reading above, that should not have happened. Also, where do I find info about “more” which I assume is when you want to split a page…thanks (newbee here)

  • There is no fixed length for any page. It’s recommended that you do not assign too many pages to your front page thereby causing a lengthy page loading time for your readers, especially those on dial up.
    To set the number of posts to be displayed on the front page go to -> Dashboard -> Options -> Reading (this the page you can adjust accordingly and then click “Update Options” to save.
    To split posts into a teaser on the front page and the rest on another. You choose a place to type more – <!–more–> in a blog post, and that tag breaks the post into a two sections. The first section is an introductory teaser which terminates with the “more tag”. The second second is linked to it and appears on another page. The second section contains the whole post. It’s used when you have very long posts that you do not want to take up your whole front page.
    This thread is about the tag you can use to split text in any post or page using the “more tag” or the “next page” tag <–!nextpage–>

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