Page doesn't appear in menu

  • Hi there

    I manage the following site: This is a site hosted by UCL, managed through WordPress, but developed by someone other than me 3 years ago (someone who is actually a developer).

    I have created a new page –

    I’ve tried a million times to add this page to the main menu on the left hand side.
    I went to Appearance > Menus, and added it. The page is there in the back end. However, it won’t appear on the site at all.

    I suspect this is because the person who developed the website created the menu on the left hand side in a different way to the default WordPress way – probably using sliders. I cannot find a way to edit the menu at all in the back end, i have gone through every single tab in the left hand side and I cannot find a way to edit this menu to include a newly added page. What can I do, please?

    Many thanks!

  • Hello, I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your website. However, your site is not hosted with It is a site using the open-source WordPress software (from but hosted with UCL.

    Because and are two entirely separate entities, we cannot access files or data for sites that are hosted elsewhere, so staff can only assist with sites that are hosted on our servers. You can find more information here about the differences between software and is a great resource for sites using the open source software, and you can find support for that at:

    Your hosting provider’s support team may also be able to assist.

  • Hi there,

    Thanks very much for your reply, that is super helpful.

    Unfortunately UCL cannot help as the site is not managed using their centrally-preferred content management system which is the only one they are authorised to help with!

    Thank you for letting me know that I am actually using I had watched some LinkedIn learning videos on the topic, and thought I had the difference right, but I guess I did not. Could you tell me how you worked out that that is what I was using? Where does it say/how can you tell? Sorry if this is a silly question but I am new to this. I was convinced I was using and not .org. Is there sure fire way to tell?

    Many thanks!

  • Could you tell me how you worked out that that is what I was using? Where does it say/how can you tell?

    If your site was hosted on, you would be using our name servers, here you can see that it’s hosted on the university servers:

    To clear up any further confusion, and are two different entities.
    We, are a cloud-based platform where we manage WordPress sites, whereas is a stand-alone software that you can download and self-host with any other hosting.

    You can find more details about and on this support page: vs.

    I hope that helps :)

  • Thank you very much!

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