Page Background Issue

  • Hi there, I am having an issue with the background of new pages. All pages on the website before now are white and we have not changed anything we are doing when creating a new page but they are showing up with a background (almost as a page in front of a grey background). I have attached photos for reference. Let me know if there is something we are doing wrong or how to help this. Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    I checked your site, and I can see that you are using the third-party Astra theme along with the third-party Elementor page builder. Since the theme was not developed, we are not familiar with its settings and do not provide support for it.

    However, I took a look and found the settings within the Customizer that allow you to change the background color settings. To access it, go to Appearance → Customize and follow this quick video:

    For further help, I recommend reaching out directly to Astra’s dedicated support team here. They will be better equipped to guide you through the specifics of their theme.

    I hope this helps! :)

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