P2 Theme: Where is the To Do Widget or Options

  • The topic was closed before I was ready for closure.

    I am trying to find a work around for the lack of a To Do on the Classic Edit Post screen.

    I thought I could set it from the front end of P2 Breathe (with the To Do feature turned on). I edited the post on the front end and there is no To Do option that I could find.

    What happens if someone forgets to set a post as To Do or mistakenly does so when it isn’t. How do they turn that feature on or off on a per post basis?

    Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Okay, found the bottom on the post without editing it on P2’s front end.

    The button options are:

    1. To Do: Which appears to be active by default – is there an inactive state?
    2. Done: When complete
    3. Clear To Do: I have no idea what that means but I assume it means to remove the To Do or set the state to not be a To Do post?

    All of the posts previously published have To Do on them and I specifically set the Customer Theme Options to NOT make every post a To Do. Do I have to go through all the posts and set them to Clear To Do?


  • Lorelle, I am still happy to post a screenshot.

    The “To Do” feature has to be enabled in the Customizer>Theme Options, yes ironically from the WP Admin Dashboard Appearance>Customize.

    If you don’t enable it there, it won’t appear on the front end of the site.

  • The To Do button appears on all posts.

    Just don’t click it if is NOT a “To Do” item.

  • Ah, so no clicky.

    Love how techy this all is.


  • Wait. But if I do not click it, how will it become a To Do post?

    I click to make it To Do and it says Done. I click it again and it says Clear To Do. Does it then mean that the To Do is set if it says Clear To Do?


  • That gave me a headache just reading it. :) It’s too late here for me to think properly about it.

    But you do have to click the To Do button to make the post a “To Do” item. Click the button again to Mark it as Done.

    More tomorrow if you don’t figure it out in the meantime. If you want me to invite you to my test site where you can click buttons to your heart’s content, just let me know. :) For now layla tov.

  • I’ll wait. It’s an ongoing headache. :D

  • @lorelle
    I am so sorry this is happening to you and your students. :( There have been so many headaches (migraines) for me since the let’s remake wordpress project started 2 years ago that I ground my teeth at night over this stuff and my dentist was laughing all the way to the bank. I would publish a how to post and explain something only to discover that what I explained no longer worked. I finally threw in the towel.

  • Here is what I figured out, good and bad, for future reference for the TO DO feature in the P2 Breathe WordPress Theme after enabling it through the Customizer > Theme Options.

    To set a post to TO DO status, the user must be logged in and see the TO DO button near the likes and shares before the comments. Click it and the button changes to Mark as Done and a red bar appears next to the post. As long as the post is a TO DO post, the red border along the side of the post is <font color=”red”>red</font>.

    There is NO WAY to mark a post as TO DO from within the editor (any of them), only from the front end view of the site.

    Please note that a problem with doing this on the front page of the site involves the infinity scroll. When you get down to the bottom of the post, it scrolls and loads 10 more posts. The web page jumps around and it is hard to tell where you where and a lot of scrolling to get back to the order. I had over one hundred posts to mark as TO DO and I wasted a tremendous amount of time chasing posts. I had to turn off infinite scroll on WP-Admin > Settings > Reading.

    To set a TO DO post as done, click the Mark as Done button. It changes to Clear To Do and displays the author name as the “doer” in the popup next to the To Do button that displays the history of the post’s To Do status. The bar along the side of the post turns from red to green.

    To remove the TO DO reference, click the button again that says Clear To Do. It will become To Do again.

    If you wish the post to become a TO DO post again, click the button again.

    Serious headache stuff.

    I do like the feature to show the history of the To Do button, but there is no way to edit that information. For example, I experimented with several posts and that experimentation is now listed, which might confuse the students.

    I’d also like to see more features in the To Do such as Delay, Ignore, or something to indicate that this is no longer a To Do item but for history, it was.

    What is left to discover:

    1. At what user level may someone use the To Do feature?
    2. Is there a way to display posts marked as To Do in a post, Page, or Widget?
    3. Can multiple people accomplish the To Do task or just one? I assume one as the drop down is merely a history of the To Do attempts.
    4. Will my students actually use this effectively? That will take months to figure out. LOL!


  • I haven’t had my morning coffee yet, so haven’t fully read and comprehended what you’ve written in your last post, but I think I’ve already answered you for #2 in your list.


    Look at the O2 widget (Your Stuff) in the clarkwptalk sidebar. Before you enabled the “To Do” feature, the links to “To Do” and “Done” were not there. Click on the “To Do” link and it filters the posts clarkwptalk.wordpress.com/?resolved=unresolved

  • Serious headache stuff

    I guess it depends on how you see it. I don’t see that as a headache, but a linear progression of the “To Do” cycle. It does make me curious about the answer to your #1, which I don’t have an answer to.

    I do like the feature to show the history of the To Do button, but there is no way to edit that information.

    I agree that it should be possible for the site Admin to control that, just like comments.

    I’d also like to see more features in the To Do such as Delay, Ignore, or something to indicate that this is no longer a To Do item but for history

    Suggest it as a feature in the Ideas forum?

    Ah-I also see in the Customizer>Theme Options that it’s possible to disable front-end editing on O2/P2 Breathe, but doing so also takes out the “To Do” feature.

    So the question is, is the entire site meant to be a list of assignments/action items that you post and your students need to do and they follow up with a comment on the related post? Perhaps the “To Do” feature is then superfluous? Perhaps your needs would be better served by tagging such posts as Assignments?

    Don’t have answers for #3 (like you, I suspect one) and #4 only you can answer. :)

  • I’m also going to tag this for Theme Staff as there is something in the P2 theme Showcase description that I am just not seeing anywhere:

    -Enable Resolved Posts: This feature allows you to flag a post as “Unresolved” or “Needs Attention.” You’ll see an indicator at the end of each post once this is enabled. Clicking the button cycles through Unresolved, Resolved, Normal.
    -Mark New Posts Unresolved: If you have a very “transactional” site, then sometimes it makes sense to make all new posts as Unresolved automatically. Once you’ve handled them, you can click the button and mark them Resolved.

    I don’t wonder if this is actually referring to the “To Do” button, but that feature is addressed elsewhere in the Showcase page.

  • Sounds like coffee kicked in. Right on all accounts.

    We will see with time. It’s just painful to use when everything is focused on the front, which is fine, but until the front end is fixed, tags and categories are clearly indicated and not the funky hashtags, and post scheduling is added to the front, the front-end is good for fast and now stuff, but not things that are scheduled out over time, like many projects and classroom environments.

    The “Enable Resolved Posts” is still not found. Marking a To Do as Done is one thing, marking an issue, discussion, question, whatever as resolved would be loverly, but I still can’t find that.

    Only time will tell.

    Thanks! Together I think we have two brain cells to rub together for a coherent thought.

  • Or light a very small bonfire. :)

    Hope you’re well and look forward to seeing you back in my neighborhood sometime in the future.

  • I don’t wonder if this is actually referring to the “To Do” button, but that feature is addressed elsewhere in the Showcase page.

    The “Enable Resolved Posts” is still not found. Marking a To Do as Done is one thing, marking an issue, discussion, question, whatever as resolved would be loverly, but I still can’t find that.

    The “To Do Posts” feature is the same as the “Enable Resolved Posts” theme option. (Instead of “Unresolved/resolved” the posts are now marked as “To Do/Done.”) However, I see that the theme option now says “Enable “To Do” Module” instead of “Enable Resolved Posts” — I’ll let our team know so we can update that description.

  • Looks like it’s been taken care of. Thanks

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