P2 Theme: Where is the To Do Widget or Options

  • We’ve switched from the P2 Class to the new “breathe” version and we’re looking for the To Do Posts feature described in the Theme details. We figured out how to do a checklist, but we want to set some posts as tasks to do, and note when they are completed.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It seems there is no way to selectively make only some posts as To Do posts. It is either all posts or none.

    Once you enable To Do posts from Theme Options, there will be a To Do button shown for each post beneath Like, Reblog and any sharing buttons. Check this screencast: https://cloudup.com/cyNYDy8KZYn

    I could not find a way to make only make selected posts as To Do posts.

  • /waving @lorelle

    In “O2” AKA P2 Breathe, the “To Do” feature has to be enabled via the Customizer>Theme Options. This will enable an additional button next to the Sharing/Reblog/Like buttons. Click that button once on a post and it will highlight the post as “To Do” and the button itself will change to “Mark as Done”.

    Additionally, these “To Do” posts can be displayed separately via the special O2 filter widget in the sidebar.

  • Whoops! @staff-happychia sorry! I started my reply and then had to go do something and neglected to refresh.

    It’s all good and thanks for the screencast.

  • No worried, @justjennifer.

    Looks like there is no way to set only some posts as To Dos. It seems to be a “all or none” setting :(

  • That’s odd.

    While the “To Do” button does appear on all posts, I didn’t have any problem marking only selected posts as “To Do.” Just don’t click “To Do” if it isn’t “To Do”. :)

  • The Customize To Do feature is there now but it wasn’t for the hour I was messing around with the Customizer following instructions. Very, very odd. Finding much in WordPress.com glitchy like that lately. Really annoying, especially when I’m teaching students and they can’t find it either, then it’s there.

    And even more odd that it wouldn’t be in the Classic interface under Theme Options as well…since I’ve been told repeatedly that the classic will continue to persist…sigh. :D

    Thanks all. Much appreciated.

  • Back.

    There is no To Do checkbox on the Edit Post screen. Not by the Likes and Shares, not in the Screen Options, not no where, says Dr. Seuss. :D

    If it involves using Calypso….<evil>

  • Hi Lorelle,
    I tagged this thread for Staff assistance.

  • Thanks, my friend.

  • This some and go business can make one feel crazy. You’re welcome.

  • Everything in O2 and P2 is done with front end posting (not via the WP Admin or New Dash’s Edit Post Screen).

    If you need to edit an existing post you can click the three dots at the right of the post title to expand a menu which includes editing the post from the front end.

    Hope that helps.

  • As justjennifer mentioned, the option to mark a post as To Do is on the front end of the site, not in the editor. You’ll see the To Do button below the post content after you publish the post.

  • I’d be happy to post a screenshot if needed. (Unfortunately I just crashed my screencapture app, so will have to restart my computer and pray.)

  • Front end? But I do all the posts from the backend as I can’t control categories and tags properly from the front in P2 Breathe and I can move MUCH faster with the Classic interface to ensure my students have a solid, well-founded WordPress experience (after all, that is why they are in my WordPress college course).

    I have only one word for this feeling and I rarely use it, but using it more and more with WordPress: sucks.


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