P2 Theme and Gallery

  • We’ve found another issue with the P2 Theme and I’m not sure if this is related to the functions.php in the Theme controlling what we see or a bug between WordPress.core core and the P2 Theme.

    When posting from the Administration Panels, the gallery tab option in the Media Uploader is available once images are uploaded to a post. When accessing from the front end of the P2 Theme, as is its intended purpose, the gallery tab does not appear in the Media Uploader after uploading images to a blog post format “category.”

    Does the functions.php file for that theme take the gallery option away from the Media Uploader when posting from the front of the site? Or is this a bug unique to this type of Theme?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Lorelle, nice to see you here. I’m just going to straightaway tag your thread with modlook so you get an answer from someone in the know.

    P2 does seem to have its oddities with Media, for sure, and there have been other forum threads on the topic. https://en.forums.wordpress.com/tags/p2

    Will be waiting as anxiously as you for an answer.

  • It does have its very strange peculiarities, indeed. I dug through all kind of things to find an answer but…well…you know…the search…someday we’ll get that fixed. :D

    I didn’t turn up anything specific to the gallery tab in my searches, so hopefully someone can answer this so we can all learn together. :D


  • As far as searching, the forum search is improved, but the best place to search is the Support Docs search box, as it also returns forum threads as well.

  • Hm, the modlook tag seems to have disappeared along the way. Normally I’d say shoot a note to Support directly, but I think a few people would be interested in learning the answer, so I’m retagging this thread.

  • Thanks for pointing that out, Lorelle. I can reproduce the same bug. We’ll take a look at it and see what we can come up with.

  • Thanks. Just let me know what you all come up with as this is really annoying. This group uses a ton of images and they’d like the functionality added to the front of P2 interaction.

  • I guess editing comments is limited to only the dot org forum.

    I wanted to also thank justjennifer for sticking with this. You are my heroine!

  • You’re welcome, Lorelle, but no need to thank me. I’ve a vested interest in this as well as I use P2 on a couple of blogs I have and the media handling aspect is certainly “curious”.

    I’ve got my own ideas why P2 doesn’t do image handling (or text formatting for that matter) from the front end. Maybe we can discuss it over a plate of hummus next time you’re in town. :-)

  • P2 is intended for quick posting — and many of the advanced features, especially media, do not work correctly from the front-end. This is both a feature and a bug at the same time. :)

    Feature because when using this theme you can focus on posting quick updates from the front-end post form. Bug because many of the WP media functions rely on being in wp-admin, and don’t work when this theme calls them from the outside wp-admin.

    So, for more advanced posting — like adding galleries — we suggest using the back-end editor with P2.

  • Thanks, Jennifer. I was hoping to get to your neck of the woods this fall or winter. Still in planning iffy stages. If you hear any news from Miriam and others about the next WordCamp, shoot me an email! Some of the best WordCamps are there!

    @lance: The group posts images with most of their fast posts, screenshots specifically, and they only include a word or two, which is why this came up in the first place. In the first week or so they published over 600 posts, many with single images, so they are very active. They also freak when they see the back end as they post so much so fast, making p2 so brilliant for them to use.

    So consider adding a little more oomph as a feature request. :D


  • I hear you Lorelle, it’s not something easy to do with P2 right now.

    But we’re keeping a close eye on the WordPress 3.3 release to see if it includes more core media upgrades and fixes—many of which could improve the front-end posting experience for P2.

    We’re also keeping an eye on QuickPress, because many of the improvements there we can use in P2.

  • Why does my slideshow not work with P2? It says “This requires java script” or something even though I have java script.

  • I’ve answered you in your other post here.

  • @lance-I can confirm what puckcircle has mentioned above; the slideshow, even when inserted from the Dashboard end of things, does not work in P2.

  • Can someone please confirm, is this just an error specific to my and @justjennifer’s experience, maybe the browser we’re using doesn’t work with the slideshow, or we’re doing something wrong, or is it indeed a fact that the p2 slideshow does not work, period?

    After two lengthy failures with my first two themes, in which I sunk in hours that were ultimately wasted, and the resulting extensive search for a new time, which took many many more hours, I was honing in on choosing the P2 theme for my blog, contingent upon the slideshow working (and the background width being changeable but it usually is I’m told), so it would fall perfectly into my experience with wordpress thus far if the slideshow didn’t work at all.

    I’m really hoping that’s not the case, but if it is, how can wordpress have broken themes listed as useable? What if I’d spent 10 hours starting up with P2 and customizing the look and getting everything going, only to then find out the slideshow, integral to some of my blog ideas, didn’t work? And that more or less has happened. The last four of five days of my search for a theme has been mostly focused on experimenting with the P2 theme and posting long detailed questions about it, all of which took time. If I’d known the thing was broken from the start I wouldn’t have wasted my time on it.

    What else can I say? I think more appropriate than any words would be to just shake my head back and forth for the next hour. Except then I’d strain my neck and have to go to a chiropractor the next day, whereupon I would find out the chiropractor is actually a new kind of chiropractor called a wordpress chiropractor, and unfortunately that means he only knows how to work on the shoulders down. But there are plenty of other wordpress chiropractors he says. So I walk two blocks to the next one, but on the way I sprain my ankle. “Sorry, I only work on the calfs on upwards.”
    “I would shake my head my neck is still in a state of disarray. But wait, what if you fix my neck, and then I limb over to the other chiropractor and he fixes my ankle?”
    “Sorry, you can only use one chiropractor, wordpress rules. Can’t break them for anyone.”
    “What if I buy the CSS upgrade?
    “CSS can only alter appearance, plastic surgery, that type of thing. For actual muscle function, you have to make sure to find the chiropractor that works for you because you can only use one, and you can’t change them.”
    “But you’re all fundamentally flawed! Neither of you can fix both my ankle and my neck!”
    “That’s wordpress, sucker! Now give me your 30 dollars. No refunds.”
    “But it said I had a month refund!”
    “You better be careful there buddy. You already have one broken ankle, let’s not make it two.”
    “But my ankle isn’t broken, it’s just sprained…”
    “You gonna question me again???”
    “That’s what I thought. Now, when people ask you whether to choose blogger or wordpress for their blogs, what are you gonna tell them? WHAT ARE YOU GONNA TELL THEM???”
    “WordPressssss! WordPresss! I swear!”
    “And why’s that?”
    “Because … because …”
    “Say it!”
    “Because wordpress is the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day. AHH oh goddddddd my ankllllee.”
    “Very good. Very very good.”
    “I can’t believe this was recommended to me!”
    “We can be very persuasive.”
    “I would so blog about this awful experience and tell the world what a monster you are if only your themes worked!”
    “And that’s why we make they don’t.”

    Ok, that and the head shaking are both equally appropriate and expressive of my experience with wordpress so far, and wordpress actually having broken themes listed as working, and so on.

  • Why don’t you use one of the three OTHER kinds of slideshows that were suggested for you in the other thread?

  • Not all threads, please note, offer all kinds of functionality. Some forms, such as P2, are specialized for certain functions: that generally means certain others are not possible there.

    This does not mean the theme doesn’t function. It means it doesn’t function in ways it was not intended to.

  • @puckcircle-that was really worthy of a blog post, not so much a forum post. :)

    P2 is what it is. According to WordPress.com almost 37,000 blogs are using it. If its unique characteristics (and idiosyncrasies) don’t meet your requirements, maybe you should take a short break and crystallize what you need from your blog and then look at the theme showcase again with renewed eyes.

    Again, good luck with your blogging.

  • As for the silly allegory, themes are like cars rather than quacks: if I’m looking for a car that’s equally good for superfast driving, climbing rocks and taking my 12 kids to school (while also allowing me to transform it into a yacht myself on Sundays, and all that for free), then I certainly won’t drive before the 12 kids get grandchildren of their own.

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