P2 @mentions and Email Notifications Not Working

  • I am using the P2 Theme, @mentions are not showing an autocomplete. Also, no one is getting email notifications for new posts or @mentions. I’ve checked all the settings both globally and in my profile, but can’t get these things working. Any advice?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi bradonomics,

    I can see what you mean in this comment: https://etc.travel.blog/2019/04/30/dragon-trails-tour/#comment-26.

    Although the username mentioned there doesn’t match the username for that site user in My Site > Manage > People — so that won’t create a working @ mention for that person.

    I’ve tried using @ mentions in posts on a test site using the P2 theme. When I follow these steps, a clickable username is added and that person receives an email notification when the post is published:

    1. Start typing “@” along with the username
    2. Select the username from the prompt (which autocompletes)

    However, I was able to replicate what you described if I pasted @username or typed each character individually — rather than selecting the username from the prompt. Is that how you are entering it in other places?

  • We finally found the hidden functions to allow emails for comments. (For posterity, you can find those settings here: https://wordpress.com/following/manage)

    The @mention autocomplete is still not working on the front end of the site. Here’s a demo of what I’m seeing. I’ve tried it in Chrome and Firefox with all extensions/add-ons disabled and it works the same as demoed in the video.

    Any ideas here?

  • That video is very helpful, thank you. I can see what you’ve described where the @mention is functioning only on the backend of the site. Let me take a closer look at this and report back to you here.

  • bradonomics –

    I am passing this along to our developers.

    – Can you let me know which operating system and version number you’re currently using?
    – Which versions of Chrome and Firefox did you try?

    Thanks :)

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04 bionic (x86-64)
    Desktop: Cinnamon v4.0.9
    Chrome: v74.0.3729.131
    Firefox: v66.0.4

  • Thanks. I’ve updated the report. Someone will come back to you in this thread with more information and an update once available.

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