P2 media tools only sometimes visible, front page

  • Just started using theme P2 for my new private blog ‘evansnet’ I’m seeing the media upload tools on the front page at the corner of the blog box sometimes, but most of the time, I’m not. Are these media tools supposed to show on the right above the P2 blog box?

    If so, anyone have any information about why these tools would appear and disappear? It would be very good to have them there all the time. I know the media tools can be accessed from the posts link on the dashboard, but my user group will undoubtedly post more often if the media tools are more accessible.

    I’ve tried Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers with the same results.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Please post an active link to the blog in question starting with http://
    Which versions of Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer did you try please?

  • Hi timethief, thanks for your reply.

    We are using the latest versions of all browsers!
    Will posting a link work, since it’s a private blog?

    Here goes anyway:

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