P2 consistency & customization issues

  • Using P2, I notice some small inconsistency issues which might make it hard to use as a default theme…

    First of all, it provides a link to the RSS feed at the homepage, the list of posts by an author, but it neglects to display what I personally find is the most important feed: the category feed. There is no RSS icon next to the category archive like there is for the tags, author’s posts, and front page.

    Also, it would seem that tags with only one post are not linked to the tag archive. This would be fine, but when most posts are tagged within that category, it doesn’t automatically update the previous post to have links. This could become arduous to fix on a site with many tags and posts.

    Also, is there anyway to control what order the archives for a category are display in? ie, I need to be able to display my category archives in chronological order, oldest first, newest last. Any way this is possible?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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