Oxygen Theme Slider Not Working

  • Hi all!

    I cannot seem to get the Oxygen slider to work. I’ve set up six test blog posts with featured images set at 720 x 480 px. They’re all set to sticky.
    If I set the Reading setting to Latest Posts then these blog posts show up. As soon as I try and set up the Static Page, not only do those posts disappear but the splash screen doesn’t appear either.
    I lost my Homepage a while ago, so set up a temporary custom link page set to my URL, but cannot use that as a Static homepage.
    I’m so confused right now.

    How do I reset a proper homepage, and how do I get the splash slider to work??

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    For the featured posts slider to appear in this theme, you must set the theme to the Showcase Page template. Edit the page, make sure the sidebar on the right is set to the Page tab, and click on the Page Attributes heading. You can change the page template there.

    That said, Oxygen was retired some time ago, and is no longer being maintained. I strongly recommend you change your site to one of our current themes instead, as Oxygen will eventually stop working, and when that happens it will not get fixed.

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