Owner in followers list / statistics

  • Hello, I am the owner of my free WordPress.com website. When I look at the list of my followers I see myself in that list. Is this normal?

    A second question. When I look at the statistics I see it counts my own visits to my own website. Is there a way to adapt it that it does not count my own visits to my own website? Or is this because I am in the followers list?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi! By default you do start off following your own site; but if you’d like to unfollow your site you can of course do so from here:

    We have a guide for the following function here:

    A second question. When I look at the statistics I see it counts my own visits to my own website. Is there a way to adapt it that it does not count my own visits to my own website? Or is this because I am in the followers list?

    Usually it shouldn’t be counting your own visits on your site, as long as you’re logged in on your WordPress.com account! If you’re not logged in and you go to the site, your visits are likely to be added to the stats:

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