Overlaying articles and images on my site

  • Hi there,

    I don’t know what’s been going on for a while, articles and images have been superimposed on my home page. I use the “Under the influence” theme.

    Can you help me ? Thank you :) .

    You can see the overlay on these images :

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I need help ! Thank you :)

  • Hey there @walterpascoli! I’m trying to duplicate this on your site and can’t so far .. can you share more about your browsing environment?

    Usually an issue like this would be caused by a broken widget, for what it’s worth, but I’m not seeing one here. All that said, your theme has been retired quite a while, so it’s entirely possible there’s some bugginess in some browsers. Are you open to updating themes if needed? That could get your site more responsive, too.

  • Thank you supernovia !

    I use Mozilla Firefox and the Duckduck search engine .

  • Do you mean I have to change the theme ?

    I regularly look at new themes, but none of them really suit me . That’s why I keep this one …

  • I feel you; I’ve kept my old theme too, for now, as I also like the “masonry” look as we used to call it. Looks like they’ll have some new layouts for blog posts coming soon, so maybe then?

    Meanwhile, here’s what I’m seeing in Firefox, on Mac, both current:

    Any chance you’ve got an extension interfering here? And, is your browser up to date?

  • You must scroll down to see the problem !

    I don’t have any extensions on my browser, and Firefox is up to date . I’ve just tried it with the Brave browser and the Google search engine. The problem is the same …

  • This problem of overlapping articles is recent (about 1 month).
    I have several computers and several browsers, and the problem is the same on all of them.

  • My theme has been retired for some time, and I think that’s the reason for this mess .

    I have to leave now, I’ll be back in 2 days.
    Thank you supernovia !

  • Hi there,

    I took a look at your site, and I do see some overlap between the post at the bottom and the widgets. This kind of display issue can indeed arise when using an old theme with the newer versions of WordPress.com. Retired themes may not be fully compatible with the latest web standards and WordPress.com features, leading to the kind of problems you’re experiencing.

    I strongly recommend switching to a newer theme. The good news is there are many modern themes available that can give your site a fresh look while ensuring better functionality and compatibility. I’d be more than happy to help you find a theme that suits your needs and aesthetic preferences.

    Feel free to let me know what kind of look or features you’re aiming for, and I’ll suggest some great options for you. Switching themes is a straightforward process, but I’ll be here to assist you every step of the way.

  • Ok, thank you fstat for your reply !

    I’ll have a look at the themes to see if anything suits me . Then I’ll decide what to do .

    Thank you fstat !

  • Hi there !

    fstat said : “I strongly recommend switching to a newer theme. The good news is there are many modern themes available that can give your site a fresh look while ensuring better functionality and compatibility. I’d be more than happy to help you find a theme that suits your needs and aesthetic preferences.”

    Ok, but the problem is that the new themes are very difficult to handle. I’m a user, not a developer. Choosing a theme was much easier and quicker a few years ago…

    I want a theme like the one I’ve had for 10 years, with 1 or 2 columns + the side bar with widgets on all pages, which allows clear and easy navigation .

    I’m especially interested in clear and easy navigation on my site.

    Choosing a theme was much easier and quicker a few years ago. Now it’s a lot more time-consuming…

  • I use my site to publish articles and photos. I don’t want to spend my time making adjustments or understanding how the editor works.

    There’s no point in providing sites that are difficult to use. Because users aren’t developers…

  • You can actually filter themes based on specific features, such as the number of columns or the inclusion of a sidebar with widgets. Since you’re interested in themes with a 1 or 2 column layout and a sidebar, I recommend checking out this curated list of themes that match your criteria: https://wordpress.com/themes/all/filter/two-columns/

    Furthermore, I want to assure you that you’re not alone in this process. If you’re finding it challenging to customize your theme or to navigate the Site Editor, our support team is here to assist you.

    Feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance or have any questions.

  • Ok, thank you fstat,

    I’ve found a few themes that work for me, for example Sapor, Libre2, Fewer, and Shoreditch .

    But these are old themes and I guess they’ll be retired soon. So I’ll end up with the same “overlapping” problem as on my current theme …

    So, in the end, I don’t know if I’ll continue with wordpress.com, because the new themes with Editor are not easy to handle …

  • Right now, I don’t know what I’m going to do …

    Thank you .

  • Except for the Fewer template, which is new, and on which the editor works very poorly … I wasn’t able to install all the widgets on all the pages and articles ! What a job !

    I give up ! Thank you …

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