Overlay blocks WordPress login button

  • Hi,
    some time ago it started that I had to log in every time when I wanted to leave a comment on another blog.
    It didn’t bother bother me that much, because I only had to click the little WordPress button and got logged in.
    Starting today I cannot click the button anymore. The reason is that the moment I want to click on that button there is an overlay and the button is unclickable. The text says “Log in to use details from one of these accounts.”
    But I an unable to click the login button, due to the overlay.
    (The Twitter and FB buttons beside it work – but I don’t want to log in with these…)

    Is there a trick to get rid of it?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    What is the URL of the site you are trying to comment on so we can take a closer look.

    Also as a workaround have you tried logging in here first, and then reloading the page you are trying to comment on and leaving your comment that way?

    Typically if you are logged in to your WordPress.com account separately, that will extend to all other browser tabs (you may need to reload the page to recognize the login) so you should not see this popup if you log in directly at WordPress.com first.

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Hi,
    thanks for your help.

    The problem happens with basically every blog where I want to comment.

    Also, I’m logged in, but it have to log in again under the comments when I want to comment on a post. Clicking the like button on the same post works without me having to log in again, so I must be logged in. :-)

    I also made a post with the overlay, but I don’t find a way to upload it…

    Thanks and greetings.

  • Hello there,

    Thank you for that additional information.

    It sounds like this may be a new issue as this is being discussed here: https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/wp-comment-login-blocked-by-popup-image/

    Are you able to provide a screenshot of what you’re seeing so that we can confirm next steps please.

    A screenshot can be shared via https://snipboard.io/.

  • Hello,

    here is the screen shot I took:

    As you can see, the WP button is covered by the screen shot. Twitter is clickable, as there still is a tiny bit of the button visible.

    As it is in German: It is the comment section of a blog and the pop up says in English “Log in to use the details of one of these accounts”.

    Let me know if you need anything else.

    Thanks and greetings.

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for providing the screenshot there.

    This has also been reported here: https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/wp-comment-login-blocked-by-popup-image/?view=all

    Interestingly, I can’t replicate what’s in the screenshot in both reports, which makes me wonder if this browser specific.

    Can you tell me what browser you’re experiencing this on, and if this is happening on any other browser.

    Many thanks in advance!

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