Orvis theme main page gallery help

  • So I’ve recreated my site from bloginthedrops.wordpress.com to inthedrops.net but I’m not sure why the image gallery is so tiny on inthedrops? Can anyone help with this?

    The gallery was created in Appearance > Customize > Widgets.
    There is no gallery in the same place for bloginthedrops.wordpress.com so I’m not sure how that one was created…

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Also this gallery shows up on every page of the website. I only want it on one page (the home page).

  • Hi there,

    What you have on https://bloginthedrops.wordpress.com/ is not a gallery. That’s your site’s static front page, which in Orvis automatically displays the portfolio projects published on your site if you set it to the portfolio page template.

    On https://inthedrops.net/ you also have a static front page, but it’s set to the default page template, so it shows the content you added in the editor rather than a list of your portfolio projects.

    To have the new site look the same as the old, edit your front page, and in the sidebar under Template, select the Portfolio Page template, then update the page. The Orvis support page at https://wordpress.com/theme/orvis explains this in more detail.

    If instead you just want a static image gallery on the front page, edit the page and add a gallery block containing the images you want visible. You can find instructions for the gallery block here: https://wordpress.com/en/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/gallery-block/

    I’m curious why you recreated the site, though. Are you aware you can simply add your domain to the original https://bloginthedrops.wordpress.com/ site instead? Let me know if you want me to do that for you.

  • Hi, Thanks for that – all sorted now.

    A while ago, my domain expired and it took a while to sort out and get it back so in the meantime I transferred everything to the bloginthedrops.wordpress.com site.

    Adding the domain might’ve been easier than what I’ve done to re-transfer it all, but it’s pretty much all finished now, so never mind haha.. Thanks anyway.

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