original page 'home' deleted in SPUN theme, need it back

  • Dear all,

    bit of a mess… I set up a website, using SPUN, which gives the option of producing round thumbnails of featured images from pages on the static home page.
    Due to the, apparently quite common, problem of finding two pages entitled ‘home’ in my list of pages in the very initial stages, I must have deleted the one that the system had preconfigured as home, and now I can’t get the round thumbnails on my home page, because I deleted this preconfigured one. My own, manually created ‘home’ won’t display the thumbnails.

    I have set featured images, customized the theme and done everything according to what I found in this forum and on the help pages. I even thought about deleting the domain and starting afresh, but I probably can’t because I bought this domain and don’t want to have to pay for it again.

    Is there ANY way of getting the system-created ‘home’ back and get SPUN to show these thumbnails?

    Any tips and advice truly appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    It looks like you’ve set your front page to the static page “home”:


    Because of this, your most recent posts will no longer be displayed on your front page.

    Additionally, you haven’t set up a page for your recent posts to be displayed. Once you create that page and set it up at the above link, you’ll be able to visit there and see the grid of circles. However, the grid will only appear if you have posts. And you don’t seem to have any posts yet.

    Does that clear things up? Let me know how I can help further!

  • Dear Shawnajroberts,

    aha! This explains a lot actually. Many thanks for your help. I wasn’t aware that SPUN only displays posts as circles, not pages. As I’ll be working with static pages mostly, I’ll see what I’ll do about the situation. Could still use the circles for the blog section, I suppose.

    In any case, thanks for your quick help!

  • Of course! Let me know if I can help with anything else :)

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