organizing comments

  • I need some help understanding comments. Can I keep conversations on one topic together. For example, I want people to bring up a subject, and then future comments on the same topic be organized with the original post. Currently it’s organized chronologically. This leads to really disjoint conversations, as two conversations can be cross-talking, and, unless they are somehow separated by topic, the thread jumps back and forth. e.g.
    1) topic A is brought up
    2) first reply to A
    3) topic B brought up
    4) second reply to topic A
    5) first reply to topic B

    I’d like it to look like

    1) topic A is brought up
    2) first reply to A
    4) second reply to topic A

    3) topic B brought up
    5) first reply to topic B

    I’ve read the threads of people advocating indenting (not allowed) and I’m hoping there’s another way. Thanks!!

  • Not really. Best bet would be to submit a feedback with this suggestion. Staff has stated that they keep track of requests like these.

    Of course you could always do ‘one post = one topic’ ;)

  • Wow, that was fast.

    one post = one topic sounds like it might really work…

    If everyone who starts a new topic can start their own thread, then this sounds like what I want –self indexing. But I don’t see that option…

    As a related question, can you please help me with some terminology (or link me to somewhere that can?)

    What are the differences between the following:

    a post, a comment, a reply
    a category, a thread, a subject


  • This is a post. ZZap’s bit at the end is a comment or a reply. You’ll note that the post has a category of “Interesting websites”. A category is a subject for a post but the word ‘subject’ really isn’t used in blog terms. You can have more that one category for a single post like I did here just for reference.

    Your question here and the replies afterwards is a thread. A ‘thread’ really isn’t used on blogs but are used in forums.

    I think that’s everything.

  • Great, I see how I should rephrase my question:

    From above:
    one post = one topic sounds like it might really work…

    If everyone who starts a new topic can start their own thread, then this sounds like what I want –self indexing. But I don’t see that option

    So, Could zzap have posted to your blog instead of commenting, thereby starting a new thread in its own category? That’s what I am hoping for!


  • OOps, delete the “in its own category” part. I see that’s my job as the blog owner. Thanks for pointing me to your blog. It’s a good example to see how categories work.

  • No, it’s my blog, not zzap’s. Only those on your Users page are allowed to make Posts. Visitors are only allowed to make comments. (And, heck, on my blog, you still have to have an account first thanks to spammers)

    From taking a quick look at your site, are you sure you’re not confusing your blog with a forum?

  • Yeah, you’re exactly right!
    I’d like my blog to work like a forum, so anyone can start a thread, not just me. I see forums is its own topic
    so I’ll go there.
    Thanks for clearing up a bunch of things.


  • People kept asking different questions when they commented on separate posts and it did become confusing. In an attempt to correct this, I created new posts based on these questions. Decided to refer to them as threads and listed them on a separate “Forum” page since they automatically produce discussion. When I get a free moment (LOL), I plan on creating sub-pages to organize them better. I also like the Forum page because by leaving comments open on that page, it gives visitors a central place to post additional questions.

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