order of blogs in the queu?

  • I don’t see my blog, a new one, though I see an “old” one I posted. But then, for my NEW blog site, I didn’t get mail to activate it. how is the order of posts decided? Limit to posts per blog per day? Sorry, but I’m new! Better for traffic to check off lots of tags or less tags?

    Thanks, Emma Voberry

  • That’s a lot of questions. I have some for you that you need to answer before we can tackle some of those.

    Is your blog hosted here at WordPress.com?
    What is the URL of your blog?
    What is the URL of the post that you can’t see?

  • I don’t see my blog, a new one, though I see an “old” one I posted.

    Do note that you’re the only one who can see them as you don’t provide any information on them. New forum rule is if you don’t provide a link, you owe all the volenteers Starbucks coffee. We give you the first one though. ;)

    I didn’t get mail to activate it

    You don’t I believe. You just get the click on link when you first create your account.

    how is the order of posts decided

    They’re in the order of the time and date they’re published.

    Limit to posts per blog per day


    Better for traffic to check off lots of tags or less tags?

    Better to use the tags as a lot of folks don’t. Don’t over do it as that’ll annoy folks, especially if you start using tags that don’t apply.

    Hope this helps,

  • Thanks so much for answers! Still don’t see my recent post in my new blog under any of the tags, as far as I scroll, but see my OLD horrible one. URL of the one in question:http://notesfromthenetherworld.wordpress.com/2007/06/13. The post in question is titled “I drink like a lady.”

    Listen, I know I’m not the only one on this site, so thanks again for attention to my questions and I will cut down on the tags. EmmaVoberry

  • That directs me to WordPress.com. Could you copy the entire URL of the blog post and paste it here on its own line? That will make it clickable and we can take a direct look.

  • I see that exactly where it should be, both in your direct link and on the main blog page, as well as all local tag pages. I’m using Firefox.

    I think you’re looking at a cached version of your blog. Go to your control panel and clear your internet cache, cookies included. Then try again. Let us know if that works.

  • Thanks VERY much! EmmaVo

  • You’re welcome. Glad it helped.

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