Option to Meta Tags (SEO)

  • I have a idea, option in Dashboard to optimize Search Engines, with Meta keywords and Meta descriptions TAG. For a example:

    Nature blog:
    Keywords: nature, wallpaper, hd, widescreen, plants, green, flower, beautiful
    Description: Blog about beautiful Wallpapers

    Thanks :)

  • Search engines don’t pay little attention to meta keywords anymore because they found that too many people were abusing them.

    Categorize and tag your posts accurately, and don’t include too many. Here at wordpress there is a total limit of 12 (tags + categories) or you will be excluded from the wordpress global tags pages. Examples: 5 categories + 7 tags = 12 total or 2 categories + 10 tags = 12 total.

    It would not surprise me if the search engines also looked on posts with a large number of tags suspiciously as well.

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