Open ID signin problems

  • When I try to leave a comment on a blogspot blog, using the ‘Open ID’ feature, I can’t get it to work. I choose WordPress and the dialog box asks for my WordPress blog address ( but when I type it, it says I have to log in…but I already AM logged in (I have a browser tab open to my own blog)and it doesn’t give me any other option for logging in. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong… but what? Is there something more that I should add to the URL?

    Thanks for any advice.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’ve been having the same problems for the last week or so too!

  • I have the excactly same problems. So I try to log out an in again, then I press on “contiue sign <blog add> whit your open Id, or something like that… But it still doesent works…

  • I have been trying for a year or more but with no luck. That is even after ‘expert’ help from staff. So I have had to accept it, although it is a flippin’ nuisance sometimes! I use my Google feature instead.

  • thanks:) googel it is;)

  • yes that’s what google want you to do, but it is annoying, why can’t blogger simplify the whole thing by simply asking for email and url

  • This really is disastrous! I have been studiously ignoring the infernal Open ID as it is considerably worse than utterly useless. Now, however, I can’t even sign in to Technorati to register this blog, as it seems that it must be done thro’ Open ID which DOES NOT WORK!!! Surely to goodness are better than this? Yes/No?

  • I had the same problem with livejournal. There is no solution?

  • So any word when Automattic is going to address this issue? It suddenly popped up for me today, and now I can’t log-in to comment on one of my favorite blogs. It’s very disappointing that this issue has not been fixed.

  • I guess it’s a question of priorities. We ain’t one!

  • Come on, Automattic. Don’t hoist a crappy “log-in” system if you aren’t going to maintain it or answer questions about what’s going wrong with it. I suddenly feel like a developer for WordPress a year ago. Silence from the upper echelons does not instill good will in your customers.

  • Only a blog that you have administrator privileges for can be used for OpenID. My OpenID, for example, is,,, etc. are not valid.

    I changed the messages to distinguish between not being logged in and not using the correct url. If you use the url for a blog that you are not an admin of, you will see “You do not own that identity.” If you get that message and you think it in error, let me know.

  • I’m sorry, Ryan. That is as clear as mud. I’m no accomplished person on a computer, but I do have a good standard of commonsense and I am totally unable to use Open ID, even with your ‘explanation’ above! Why on earth don’t we admit it; Open ID with simply does not work!

  • The problem as I have encountered it is, as the OP says, his first attempt was the open I.D. option which did not work, that is a google thingy and is a pain in the ha ho and swarms of people have been moaning about it. It is only when he attempted the W.P. option that he encountered this pain in the butt sign in. BUT I think I may be able to help with the original problem because open I.D. is the best option.
    When I used O.I.D. I never used to used the preview option but posted my comment directly, I will bet a pound to a penny all you guys do the same and was 8 times out of 10 tharted at that point, well I made the WONDEROUS discovery that if you click the preview option 1st and then post your comment it goes through as sweet as your… um your…well anyway it goes through sweetly. I hope this is helpful even if it doesn’t help with the W.P. problem. :)

  • I’m gonna try this GD and heaven help you if it don’t woik as I swore never to use the thing again!!!!

  • LIES!!!!!! Pay up! STILL a totally useless thing.

  • From my perspective, the open ID thing is a bust and I’ve simply quit using it. Does the problem lie with wordpress’ implementation or with Open ID itself (it is not a part of or associated with Automattic or wordpress)? I don’t know. And now I simply don’t care. All I wanted to do is use it for commenting on a few blogger blogs, but since it was so sporadic, I simply started using my Google sign-in information instead. Problem solved.

  • Spot on, young sir!

  • I changed the messages to distinguish between not being logged in and not using the correct url. If you use the url for a blog that you are not an admin of, you will see “You do not own that identity.” If you get that message and you think it in error, let me know.

    Hi Ryan,
    I get that message when trying to comment on a livejournal blog, that I am not an admin of, even though I am logged in with that identity!

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