One too many domain mapping registrations

  • I upgraded my domain from a to Then later onI learned I could purchase my name and changed my upgraded domain mapping registration to I am being charged yearly for two upgrades the writingframeofmind and christinewenzel Is there a way to only pay for one or do I need to keep both domain mappings?

    thank you for your time.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you have two domains connected to a blog, you can but do not need to keep both of them. If you keep both of them, all the domains that are assigned to your blog will redirect to the primary domain you have set at Store > Domains in your blog’s Dashboard.

    If you no longer need or want the domain you aren’t using as your primary, you can allow that domain to expire and it will then no longer point to your blog. Keep in mind that expiring domains can be hard to reclaim in the future, so if you plan on using that domain you should keep it around.

  • Thank you! This answers my question.

  • Another factor is how many links, bookmarks etc. does the first domain name have that are sending people to your site? If the first domain name goes away, then so do those referrals and links to your site – they will stop working and you might loose some traffic or make it harder for someone that you gave the first address to some time back to find you

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