One site being rendered differently on two browsers

  • Hello!

    I’ve been cut off of two chats (my fault) and could really use some help. I was being helped by timethief, Melanie and Dennis. I’m copying the total conversations – sorry, awfully long, but maybe it will help you pick and choose. Thank you for whatever help you can offer! :)

    Melanie: Hi there! How can I help you?
    →Concerning My client and I (in gross error) developed his website from two browsers – IE and Chrome – and the pages don’t match. The number of his clients (in the hundreds) that will enter his site probably will be using, via IE 50% and via Chrome 50%. In the support docs the closest I have found a solution is in the section about WP Super Cache, but I do not understand some of the instructions and am not even sure this is the right area. Unfortunately I am a WordPress newbie and not high on technical matters. I don’t even know where to find the version of WP I am using. My temporary fix is to correct the two versions daily and hope the fixes stay, but we still must enter material and don’t know which version to choose from. Help? Grateful for all suggestions! Jude
    →p.s. I have emptied my history and re-initiated (?) Chrome
    Melanie: OK. Let’s take a look at the site and see if we can get things sorted out
    →Thank you
    Melanie: What doesn’t match when you compare the site in IE and Chrome
    →I’ll check the list. Just a sec.
    →At Home: (sorry, I’m “old” and my hands shake)
    →At Home – IE does not have a Press This button; Chrome does. It opens a box with code. I changed the view from text to visual. No help. Next: (tell me when to stop)
    Melanie: Hmm. Are you logged in to in both browsers? If you’re not logged in to one of the browsers, you may not see a Press This button
    →Yes, and it is always like this. Next, Facebook button, IE must log on, Chrome works
    →LinkedIn – IE must log in, Chrome opens to partial book cover. No luck sending messages
    Melanie: It sounds like IE may not be storing information from third party cookies
    →Google+ must log in, Chrome probably works but I haven’t wanted to send a message to the world.
    Melanie: You may want to visit this page in IE to see if you’ve got them enabled:
    →Ok, just a sec
    Melanie: I haven’t heard from you in a bit, so I’m going to close this chat. If you have any other questions, please open up chat and let us know.
    Dennis: Hi there!
    Dennis: It looks like you got disconnected from your previous chat.
    Dennis: May I help you with anything? :-)
    Dennis: Okay, let me catch up on your chat with Melanie, so I know what you’ve gone over already.
    Dennis: If you create a site, it should work on any browser. That’s why I’m a bit confused as to what’s going on.
    →Yes, I’m confused, too. My client did all of the early work, and I joined in later (he on IE, me on Chrome).
    Dennis: Okay, I’ll check things out.
    Dennis: One moment please….
    Dennis: So can you explain what you mean when you say that you correct the two versions daily?
    Dennis: Where are you going to do this?
    Dennis: And what exactly are you doing?
    →I haven’t corrected the two yet, just thought that might be a temporary fix (since we are supposed to be mailing to 10,000 today, gulp! Just trying to coordinate the two.
    Dennis: So you have two separate sites? Is that what you’re saying?
    →No, as far as I know it is one….both (email visible only to moderators and staff). It’s that the two “versions” of the pages are different, somehow.
    →I can give you several examples.
    Dennis: Yeah, I read your examples.
    Dennis: So by the “two versions,” you mean when you visit your site on IE versus Chrome?
    →And oh m’gosh. I just thought of something
    Dennis: Okay, so that’s one site being rendered differently on two different browsers.
    Dennis: So that’s why I’m confused when you say that you make changes to the “two.”
    Dennis: Okay, go on….
    →Just trying to coordinate them. But . . . I don’t know what the terminology is, but when I joined WordPress it assigned me an id: labelsandsuch. He must have another id. Would that affect it?
    Dennis: Yeah, I’m just not understanding what exactly you’re doing.
    Dennis: Okay, so can you walk me through what you’re doing on your end?
    Dennis: You log in, and then what?
    →I log in on Chrome. He logs in on IE. When I log in on IE I see the same thing he does.
    Dennis: Okay, so you’re both logged in simultaneously?
    →yes. or not. Usually these days I log onto both to compare.
    Dennis: Okay, I see.
    →But he made some changes yesterday that may have appeared on chrome. I would like to check but am afraid I will lose you! :)
    →Can you reach me if I cut us off?
    — You there? His changes on IE yesterday are on the Chrome version. Confusing. The old differences are still there.
    →Should I move on? :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • And, in the long run, Dennis described it as:

    one site being rendered differently on two different browsers.

  • Yes and … are you aware that no two browsers will display any site exactly the same way.

  • Yes, I understand, but this seems extreme.

  • Maybe I should just go with my kluge idea momentarily?
    (make ’em match manually via code, etc. and hope)

  • Exactly what do you mean by extreme. I am asking because the fact that no two browser display any site in exactly the same way is a reality that has existed ever since web browsers have existed. Please provide screenshots (see 6. (d) below).

    In order to help you Staff need to know your specific computing environment details. Please work through the list that follows and report your details back here.

    1. If you are not running one of the browsers and versions listed at please try upgrading or switching first.

    2. If you are using an IE browser in compatibility mode please disable that mode.

    3. If you are running one of the browsers and versions listed at
    (a) Try clearing your browser’s cache
    If applicable see here for instructions on how to clear the cache for Chrome and Safari on the iPad:
    (b) Make sure that you have both third-party cookies enabled and JavaScript enabled
    (c) Disable all browser extensions or add-ons temporarily. Know also that security and firewall programs and programs that run incognito mode may need to be temporarily disabled as well.
    (d) Try enabling HTTPS:
    Add both * and * to your list of trusted sites under the Security tab. Make sure to uncheck the box for “Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone.”

    4. You can use this link to see if your flash is up to date. If it’s not then go to and download and install the latest version of flash.

    5. Try using another browser.

    6. If you are not successful please provide this specific info:
    (a) Exactly what kind of device you are using to connect to the internet and to
    (b) Exactly which browser (and version of it) you’re using by checking here if necessary
    (c) Exactly what you experience including exactly what any error reports you receive state.
    (d) Screenshots can be helpful. You can use or to share screenshots and link to them here. If you use the guide for screenshots you can and upload it to your Media Library, and return to this thread to provide the file name so Staff can examine it.

    Then type modlook into the sidebar tags on this thread for Staff help. How do I get a Moderator/Staff reply for my question? Then please subscribe to this thread so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • I see the long list but don’t see specifically how to send a screenshot (using chrome). Can you help me on this? Thank you!

  • Oops, I don’t mean using Chrome, I mean getting it to you in any way.

  • Also, I have a one-page document, a table of differences. Would that help?

  • (d) Screenshots can be helpful. You can use or to share screenshots and link to them here. If you use the guide for screenshots you can and upload it to your Media Library, and return to this thread to provide the file name so Staff can examine it.

  • Also, I have a one-page document, a table of differences. Would that help?

    Place it in a draft post here and then return to this thread to provide the post title so Staff can examine it.

  • This is so embarrassing. I don’t know what a draft post is. I see all of the types I can save the file as, but . . . I’m so sorry.

  • I have the file but don’t know how to place it in draft mode. I’m sorry to be such a pain. I know you are doing more than I should expect.

  • Dear patient people,

    I believe I have published a draft called Buttons and Links in labelsandsuch. I hope.

    Thanking you,

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for that post that so clearly outlines the differences you see.

    However, I checked your site in both Chrome and IE11 and tested the buttons for all the services where I also have accounts (which is all of them except Reddit), and the buttons worked correctly and exactly the same for me in both browsers.

    When you clicked the LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, etc buttons in IE, were you already logged in to those pages on IE?

    If you weren’t logged in to, for example, Facebook before you clicked the Facebook button, it would prompt you to log in. That’s normal, as clicking the Facebook button makes your browser look for a file called a cookie that was set when you logged in to Facebook. If you’re not logged into Facebook on that browser, it won’t find that cookie and will ask you to log in first.

    Another problem could be that third-party cookies is not allowed in your IE browser. I see Melanie did ask you to check that but it doesn’t look like you had replied. Can you please check that, then make sure you’re logged in to all these services on both browsers, and then check if you still have this problem.

    Lastly, which version of IE are you using? I you are using IE9 or older you can expect to see more and more features on websites (not just on but everywhere online) stop working correctly. The reason for this is that IE9 and earlier does not support the latest developments in JavaScript and HTML5, the coding languages that are used to make stuff like the sharing buttons work.

    If it is the case that you’re using an old version of IE then the “errors” you’re seeing are normal and unavoidable, and something that we can’t fix.

    Additionally, I see you are using a retired theme on that site. Just like a browser needs to be updated when it no longer supports the coding languages out there, themes also reach a point where they can no longer work properly and they are retired. When this happens the theme isn’t updated anymore to work with the new code and new features we introduce, and that’s the most likely explanation why the print button specifically doesn’t work.

    This is a lot of information, so let me know if you have any more questions about any of this.

  • Kokkieh –

    Wahoo, this is all a tremendous help! Thank you.

    I will check all today and will respond (I’m buried in an urgent deadline), especially about the third-party cookies. Your comments re versions open another world for me.

    With deep gratitude,

  • I’m glad if it helps :)

    Please ask if you have any further questions.

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