One post per blog, titles in category?

  • Is there any way to set my blog so that only the most recent post shows, but when you click on the category, the reader gets a list of post titles to choose from, rather than just page after page of posts?

  • dashboard – > options – > reading
    go to “front” page and you can vary the settings as you so choose.

    scroll down below that at “blog pages” if you insert “1” the result will be that only one post shows on the front page.

    I hope this is what you’re looking for – happy blogging. :)

  • TT gives you the answer to the most recent post question but with the setup we have here, the option to display just a list of the titles of your Posts isn’t an option. You would have to do some editing of your theme to do that and, since we share the themes across the userbase, that’s not an option.

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