One Button Account Clear

  • On a regular basis – people want to delete their account – which can’t be done –

    How about a One Button Clear Account Info under Dashboard >> Tools – so the several steps as outlined here are not required:

    Require a password to be entered – prevent someone from just sitting down at your computer and clearing your data as a joke

    clear all images and such – clear links to web site – sever and clear and links to the email address

    Set all upgrades to manual renew so they will not be billed again – inform the person of the upgrades on the account

    Do NOT delete any blogs – but list them and have an option to set them to Private – but do inform people that if they delete a blog name the name will be gone forever

    This would make things much simpler for someone wishing to clear their data


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks for that suggestion, auxclass. I’ll pass it along to our team so they can consider it.

  • You be welcome – Just trying to get some traffic out of the forum and make life easier for everyone – telling people to visit several places to remove info sort of sucks – then there are the constant stream of people that have an upgrade they forgot about renewing when they forgot to disable auto-renew

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